
100% Finally :V
Such a fun game, it needs Steam Achievements.


Congrats :)


Great work


Wow good job. :)
How long did that take you?


All the Lego games I’ve played to 100% usually took around 50 to 60 hours. I’ve beat most of them too.


Hmmm Steam says 40hs but I would say they were actually 30/35 hs.
Sometimes I left the game paused while doing “real-life” stuff xD


Wow, that’s not long at all for a lego game. :)


Congrats. Ya i really wish all the older Lego games had cheevos. They did on console.

Downward Concept

Wait a second… This game has no achievements, yet you did 100%? If it wasn’t for the e-peen I wouldn’t care ‘bout cheevos, I guess. :D
I know this game had achievements on the 360 and I went for 1000G (Xbox Live’s equivalent of 100%), but never got around to get it done. I tried tho! :D


What can I say, I’m old-school :V
Now seriously, if I get hooked with a game I squeeze it to death.
A “problem” I have had since childhood and wich means less time to play other stuff xD

Downward Concept

I remember those days… I would save money until I could afford the videogame I waned and play it forever. Unfortunately now that I’m flooded with videogames I tend to hop from game to game.
I envy your attitude! Keep it up! :)