Charles Nonsens

Report #37: December + 2023 Afterword

I finished the year by strolling down nostalgia lane with Commandos, which is still fun but definitely shows its age. It includes a lot of game-y design decisions that destroys the suspension of disbelief. It makes little sense, for example, that the marine or driver characters are not able to drag a corpse out of sight, while the spy character can. Or that an enemy officer without batting an eye can pass through an empty camp that during his last walkthrough was filled with soldiers. This game clearly does not compare to newer titles in the genre, like the fantastic Shadow Tactics. Recommended, with reservations.

I had decent hopes for Deadfall Adventures which turned out to be completely missable. Yes, the Indiana Jones franchise owes everything to Allan Quatermain, but making the main character a Quatermain descendant doesn’t make this game any less of a Raiders of the Lost Ark ripoff. Magical treasures? Check. Jungles & pyramids? Check. Evil Nazis? Check. Charming banter between the main characters? Uhh… the banter is actually terrible and completely anachronistic. Add to that simple puzzles and unsatisfying combat - easily not recommended.

Happy New Year, assassins, and thanks, 2023, for the memories.

Beaten This Month

  • Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines

    85.9 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Deadfall Adventures

    41.8 hours playtime

    25 of 50 achievements

Also Played This Month

Favorite Gaming Moments of 2023

  • Far Cry 3

    ? hours playtime

    22/50 achievements

  • Don't Starve

    32.8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

    23.0 hours playtime

    16 of 48 achievements

  • Wasteland 3

    67.4 hours playtime

    27 of 86 achievements

Steam Library Snapshot

End of 2023

12% (59/482)
26% (124/482)
3% (15/482)
54% (260/482)
5% (24/482)

End of 2022

12% (56/459)
24% (109/459)
5% (21/459)
55% (251/459)
5% (22/459)

End of 2021

12% (54/440)
22% (95/440)
6% (26/440)
55% (243/440)
5% (22/440)

End of 2020

12% (47/408)
20% (82/408)
6% (25/408)
57% (234/408)
5% (20/408)

Those 86 hours in Commandos are for one playthrough? Asking about what should I be expecting. ^^

Happy New Year! :D

Charles Nonsens

Happy New Year, friend! I tend to accumulate a lot of idling time - actual playing time was probably closer to 40-50 hours.


Thanks for clarifying! Have to get to it one of these days, but I wanted to start with Desperados to play the newest one from Mimini. ;D


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