
Report 85: March 2024

Resident Evil Code: Veronica X - Not a steam game. Very odd game in the franchise, but very enjoyable nonetheless. Thanks to it, I got to taste what the OG Resident Evil titles were like. This one is pretty easy. You get a lot of ammo and herbs, none of the puzzles are too hard. The story and the voice acting are hilariously corny and weird. Steve sounds like he belong in Sonic the Hedhehog cartoon. It does’t have much of a replayability, but maybe it’s for the best, it’s somewhat long for a RE game (at least, for RE games I’ve already played). Anyway, surprisingly enjoyable. 8/10
Lust for Darkness - this is a horror walking sim funded on Kickstarter. One of those, where the devs got the bare minimum of everything for this to be considered a game. It’s not very good. There’s not much of a game, as I already said, and the game kinda underdevilers the erotic part, which was one of the selling points, at least imo. I wouldn’t said it’s downright bad, but I felt somewhat let down after completing it in an hour and half or so for the first time. It’s meh 6/10
Resident Evil 0 My least favourite RE game so far. I find inventory management extremely tedious here, it doesn’t add much to the difficulty. The first RE game I didn’t complete. I’m hesitantly started a new walkthrough, maybe I’ll change my mind. But for now, it’s not that it’s bad, but it certainly didn’t click with me the first time. 6/10
Simmiland Cute simplistic god simulator where you play the cards to make things appear and invent new stuff. Getting some of the achievements was tricky, but nothing too frustrating. 7/10
Primal Survivors A subpar VS clone. Only one map and a few types of enemies. Weapons do make your runs vary, but not much. Getting the last achievements was pretty tedious. 4/10

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