
March 2024 - Complete Focus

Games played this month

  • A Little to the Left

    8 hours playtime

    55 of 55 achievements

  • The Stanley Parable

    55 hours playtime

    10 of 10 achievements

  • The Jackbox Party Pack

    47 minutes playtime

    1 of 20 achievements

  • Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

    8 hours playtime

    14 of 64 achievements

Gameplay Summary

This month was a solid month for progress where I saw two games reach 100% and tracked progress on a couple other games. While I did not have a significant amount of active playtime, I am content knowing that two more games are completely out of my backlog unless I choose to revisit them. Next month I plan to continue some of that progress while adding new titles to the list of beaten games, so stay tuned.

Completed: A Little to the Left

At last, I have completed the requisite number of daily challenges to achieve 100%, right at the end of the month. I had very little wiggle room, but perseverance paid off. I also completed the Cupboards and Drawers DLC. This will be a game that I will have on my play time in future months since my mom and I compete for speed on the daily challenges, so expect a new category for these types of games which are completed but revisited.

Completed: The Stanley Parable

Oh boy, this game was fun to get the last few achievements on. I am pleased to announce that all achievements were earned legitimately (except the one where you have to modify the game files of course). The Commitment achievement was a pain though. Originally I had it running on my desktop, but because my computer is too powerful, it ended up crashing midway through. The following Tuesday I tried again with my laptop, which thankfully worked. Next I need to get the achievements on the Ultra Deluxe version. Yes, I plan to get the achievements legitimately, so I will be waiting 10 years to 100%.

In Progress: The Jackbox Party Pack

After the success of playing Jackbox for work events in previous months, I was given funds to pick up a few more titles for us to try out. This month, we played the first pack in the series and played Lie Swatter. Unfortunately, some of the trivia questions were unsafe for work, but everyone was a good sport, with comments such as “We are all adults.” This does not mean I will play this title again for work.

In Progress: Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Though I did not make too much progress this month, I did complete the Renaissance campaign, with some initial progress on the Pirate campaign. I will continue working through the various campaigns and secret hunting in future months.


Congratulations on all of your assassinations!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
100%’ing the Stanley Parable…. I can’t believe you got the achievement legitimately… I still have to wait until May of this year for me; but I’ll probably wait until June to be safe. Are you gonna get the deluxe edition for the 10 year achievement?


Yes, of course! I’ll knock out most of the achievements in April, then in May 2034 I’ll get the last achievement(s) I haven’t earned yet.