
15 August 2023 | S23E11

Half-Life 2
Game gifted by friends

Actual Sunlight

Exceeds Expectations
1.7 hours
1 of 1 achievements

Oh this story is so great! Ok it's barely a story but more like thoughts and social commentary of a depressed person. Most of what is said hits close to the heart, and is something I thought myself more than once in my life, and I know my friends did too. I don't think there are many games that are just so brutally honest and direct on the subject of depression.
Also I'll just leave this quote here, I really liked it: Networking. Best practice. Leadership. But we don't let anyone into the network. And we don't practice anything. And we don't lead anyone anywhere but someplace fucked up, where we get paid and they get dick. <…> Sometimes, I think: Could I go my whole career without doing a single useful, material thing? Did a street sweeper eclipse my social utility the day he picked up a piece of gum?