
December 2023

Oopsie, i was going to make this post a few days ago…. and then i forgot. But better late then never eh? Didn’t really do much in November, so not much to write about, but the few things i did beat i quite enjoyed. So that’s that :)
Now, onto the games:

No Time To Explain Remastered

No Time To Explain Remastered

6 hours playtime

An absolute flash classic, that was expanded and improved upon making it into this. An amazingly enjoyable experience with great art, a banging soundtrack and extremely fun gameplay. Just wow, what a great experience. Play it right now!!!



5 hours playtime

Gorogoa falls perfectly into my favourite type of puzzle game, one where the puzzles aren’t hard enough to make you pull out a guide, but aren’t easy enough for you to breeze through them. The perfect middle ground where after each puzzle you can go “Ah!”, and feel accomplished. The beautiful art and great soundtrack is just the cherry on top. The only drawback is, it’s short, really short, and for that price… eh…. i would wait for a sale, however this is definetly a gem worth playing :)

Watch_Dogs® 2 - Human Conditions

Watch_Dogs® 2 - Human Conditions

5 hours playtime
no achievements

It's just more WD2, what's there to say? A few more fun missions in a great game are always appreciated :)

Puzzle Agent

Puzzle Agent

3 hours playtime
no achievements

Puzzle Agent is quite a short, and mildly enjoyable story game. The puzzles are quite nice, and the story… well it starts a bit slow, and then speedruns all the way to the finish with a cliffhanger, not really that great. The VA and art are nice, and that’s about it. Quite a forgettable experience overall, and probably one i’ll forget i even played in a few months. Worth a buy? For the price, sure, if you’re just looking to kill a few hours with an ok game, don’t go in looking for anything groundbreaking, or even great though.



6 hours playtime

Torchlight is… fine i guess. If you love grinding in games i’m sure you’ll love this, but going through the same looking stages, killing basically the same enemies, all with the same move in one hit. It’s just so god damn boring. I might come back and finish this some day but i need a break for now.

Stats (December 08, 2023)

2766 games
89% never played (2457)
3% unfinished (90)
3% beaten (77)
1% completed (16)
5% won’t play (131)