
Road to Victory #21

Played through some small indie games and also went through and hid a bunch of games in my library I won’t ever play. I 100% Rise of the Tomb Raider for game progress. I tried out some of the extra stuff like endurance and score trials and just didn’t really care to play much more of those. This game is complete for me and can go into the finished pile.

I’ve been playing One Finger Death Punch and have a blast with that. At least for a while. I haven’t given up on it yet but it’s starting to get very repetitive and there are a crap load of levels. Played a little of It Came From Space, and Ate Our Brains with my son and we had some fun with that. Good fun challenge of survival modes.

Stuck with Titan Souls and beat 7 more bosses today. This puts me at 103 deaths and 11 bosses defeated. Nine more to go. Also put a bunch of more progress in Final Fantasy IX. Love this game so much.

Two other games I’ve played were Super Time Force Ultra which is a really cool game but I’ve never been a fan of being timed to beat levels and that time is very short. Takes away the fun for me. This may get axed for finishing because of that. The other one is Demons with Shotguns which has been a really fun and challenging game. Play stages with waves of monsters to fight. A game worth checking out.

I also added a bunch of more games to my library from the sale. Wasn’t planning on it but we all know how that goes. lol. That’s it for now. Until next time keep up that battle.