
Riptide GP: Renegade

Date: 2016 | 13 of 24 achievements |


The main and side quests have been completed, i will be back for the ultimate challenges. Main reason for that, this game takes long to get into the arcade difficulty. Sure it gives non fans of the genre some wiggle room to learn some tricks and shortcuts, it also means i had to repeat the same tracks over and over again, as the difficulty slowly progresses.
It extends for a few more hours, more than it has content for. but ultimately, its their best game thus far, there i even say its better than the original Hydro Thunder. And that for a lower price than the sequel to Hydro Thunder
It's a fantastic arcade racer. Responsive, fast, the tricks fit well within the game, not just because the water physics contribute immensely to it, but also due to the reward for pulling bigger and riskier trick combos.
as a modern game, you have unlockable characters and vehicles, and currency to upgrade. And yeah...im not a huge fan of Arcade games like this, cars in those games wherent just better or worse, they controled distinctivly different and thats important. and not the same for Riptide.

Knightmare tower

Date: 2014 |
4 of 6 achievements


I'm a sucker for endless runners. Sort of, the action in this one happens vertically. it's all about gaining momentum by comboing the largest number of enemies in a row
Missing or taking damage loses speed and gets you one step closer to getting melted by the raising lava, or more or less the bottom half of the screen represents imminent death.
Neon you have the usual busy work, so as not to feel the same process over and over again, which i guess is not entirely a lie, since the final area is blocked until you completed every task, in that case its true that your better off wasting each run completing missions
The currency is then wasted upgrading your gear, which again it's not an incentive, since it requires you to do that, to pass through the blocked areas and finally meet the final boss.
And i really dislike that mentality, i don't care if i did not experience all the game had to offer, i reached the top of the screen multiple times, and dammit, i shouldnt need to collect everything to move on.
The boss encounter in fact is pretty awful, so at that point i was annoyed, but if i had lost to it a few times, i would probably just move on onto something else
After that you get endless mode, but there isn't enough content to continue, in that Last Knight succeeds over this game </p>

Zombie Bowl-o-Rama

Date: 2009 |
16 of 21 achievements
★✯☆☆☆ </a>


Hated it, at least the main campaign is short, and if there was a story i have no idea what happened because my mind wasn't even there
It's just insanely repetitive, and if you beat that, than holy crap, the challenges have you playing the same lane over and over again for each and every score point. Imagine you would, and im using a random point system, but you would get 5000 points, you need to repeat the level for 500, 1000, 1500, all the way up to 5000. What the hell !
Also i know the name of the company is very indicative of their products, but 10€ for a joke bowling game, its almost as sleazy as elf bowling

Teddy Floppy ear : The race

Original Release: 2015 | 11 of 14 achievements |
★☆☆☆☆ </a>


If this was my Mario Kart i would be a very traumatized individual right now. I'm still at awe on how complete this game is, someone looked at it and said, yeah this works perfectly, and not a little bit creepy, what we need now is 10+hours of fun for small little kids!. should be said on the store page "if you meet a grown up with a collection of these Mario Kart bootlegs in his house, run for your life!"
Neon Neon

There is just something about the empty stares, the awkward animations, the sometimes lack of music with just barely any sounds which somehow makes it weirder than if it had no sound at all.
But what really matters is the gameplay right? well, it's easy, its not balanced very well, the cars control weird, maybe it's the handling, maybe it's like controlling a brick
There is something in particular i found so damn funny, im inclined to believe they had a good idea of what the power ups would be before actually starting the process of gameplay, particularly regarding the physics. They have this power that makes your vehicle bigger, which in concept could be used to hit other enemies, except the physics make it so that in curves the car flies off the track.
There is one track, late in game that is well design. Other than that, i don't know if it having a lot of content is a positive aspect, if it is, well then you do have a few vehicles, characters, game modes.


Date: 2017 | 10 of 26 achievements
★★☆☆☆ </a>


And finally i stopped playing Roomaze because the final boss is incredibly cheap. If i hear good news from someone who actually beat the game im willing to give it a try, but from my own experience this prick has a dash attack, that runs directly at me no matter if im running (because he is faster) or if im straffing (because he aligns perfectly)
To me it feels like i need to repeat the game over countless times to get some good RNG for him to stop doing that attack
I'm going as an archer, since well...if i take that much damage far away, i dont want to be slashing the dude where i can get attacked myself
It sucks, because i kinda like the game, or maybe i just liked the inclusion of survival type mechanics inside a rogue like.
In RooMaze you have a series of status afflictions you need to play close attention. you don't just lose life when you get attacked, there is a possibility of getting poisoned, broken bones, you can get a cut that if not treated can get infected. all that changes how you play the game, a broken arm might make you react slower, a broken leg stops you from running, you may bleed out to death. So you go around with some medicine, buy some if you need to. Its interesting, i just hit a point where it felt the final boss and the slow combat system i have to deal with, makes it look like one of them does not belong in this game.


That’s pretty funny about Teddy Floppy Ear. My kids and I actually enjoyed the other two Teddy Floppy Ear games, but I never played this one, mostly because I’m a completionist and didn’t want to make the time commitment to it. But now I’m pretty happy we dodged it! Thanks for the review!


But is the animation in the other ones this bad, Do they just keep their eyes open all the time?
the blur itself is insane. I guess its neat if you are a fan of the series that you get to play with these characters in a total different game, sort of like Nintendo and Sega do party games


LOL about the eyes…I really don’t remember how it was in the other games. I guess I usually don’t see teddy bears blink. Then again, I don’t usually hear them talk…


The review for Teddy Floppy Ear makes it sound like something that would work if repackaged as an horror game xD