American Evangelion

15.1 hours

So i finally played Titanfall 2, and yeah, it's a lot better than what i'd expect from a military shooter single-player campaign. Of course i knew this going in, having heard about it before, but what can i say? Good game is good

At it's core it's still a military shooter, but it adds a bunch of extra mechanics to shake things up and differentiate itself. For starters you can double-jump and wall-run, and i'm not sure, but it felt like a proper momentum-based system, rather than the controlled animations i'd expected. The guns are pretty traditional in design, with a few energy weapons sprinkled in, but grenades seem a bit more inventive. From the start of the game, you have an active-camo ability, which adds that one extra layer of tactical choice around firefights

Then of course, there's the Titans. During the campaign, your character only interacts with the one - and his AI character is arguably the star of the show - but you can change load-outs to your liking. Battles inside a Titan are different beasts - it's slower and more deliberate, and they each have a set of abilities on cool-downs, as well as an ultimate that charges through damage. A little bit more of a back and forth, push and pull, when battling titan vs. titan. You are also free (in most cases), to simply exit the titan and take your chances on foot, but i found no reason to do that besides for achievements. A slight missed opportunity there, i think

All these mechanics, used in spectacular set-pieces during the campaign, is what made the game stand out back in the day - of particular note is the level Effect & Cause, which uses a time-travel mechanic to great effect (heh). I'm glad i finally played it, and it's a shame it didn't last longer


What an incredible game! What does the Star stand for followed by the 4413 number?


It’s the amount of Steam Hunters points i’ve earned in the game (Steam Hunters is a site that i use to organise my achievement hunting)


Oh, it’s that. I believe II have 1,121,547 in total. As for Titan Fall 2 I got 4,089 / 6,405 points. Interesting. I never completed the game, so it’s possibly why it’s lower.