
Casual achievement hunter’s progress log #78


Fallout 3 - The Pitt

0 hours, 0 of 0 achievements
Reviewed on Youtube

Been a slow month. Busy with university, busy with Youtube and so on.

Regardless, two DLCs of Fallout 3 got done from me. The Pitt's the first one. Honestly, it's not a bad DLC at all, but it isn't great either. The world presented is dull and it's just not very captivating.

Fallout 3 - Broken Steel

0 hours, 0 of 0 achievements
Reviewed on Youtube

Broken Steel might as well be called "Fallout 3 - BoS Mission Pack #1". It's basically just very basic missions lined up with a BoS theme. It's just pointless and frankly, uninteresting. It doesn't have an independent story really and it most certainly has no real connection to the original story.

The only reason to get this one would be to get an increased level cap and an ability to continue playing after the game ended.

23,603 achievements (+16) 87 perfect games (+1) 43% avg. game completion (+0%)
1,507 games (+9) 1,799 DLC owned (+31) 172 reviews (+0) 967 wishlisted (+48)
