
Progress report: February ‘22 (a.k.a. I Broke My Freaking Ankle!)

Just like the title says… on Monday, I managed to fall off the stairs so magnificently I actually broke my ankle. I’m extra mad at myself for choosing to walk down the stairs over using the escalator… the initial rush of adrenaline tricked me into thinking I was going to be okay, but surprise, surprise! I went to the hospital for a check-up and there, put in a cast, told to get around using crutches, directed to an orthopedist ASAP… The last few days have been stressful as is, and this made everything worse. If I were still in high school, maybe I could have even taken more time off than now due to this…

12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull - I wanted to be done with this by the end of the month so badly… alas, I discovered that the developer record achievement is not really something that I want to challenge myself with; perfecting the game as it is took me enough time. It’s beaten for now, maybe I’ll complete it some other time.

Coloring Game 4 - I’m glad to be finally putting this franchise behind me unless I buy Coloring Game: Pixel… which I don’t really see myself doing any time soon. Half-manually, half-automatically, at last Coloring Game 4 is complete.

Dear Esther: Landmark Edition - Ah yes, the grandparent of the genre now recognized as walking simulators. I will be honest… I didn’t find it all that great. Much like with games that go out of their way to forgo using any spoken language to convey anything, I had trouble getting invested in its story, even though it was told through paragraphs of text… mostly (I would not have had any idea about what it was trying to imply if I hadn’t looked at some of the discussions). Heck, the developer’s commentary told me more about the game than the game itself did. Oh well, you know what they say - “at least it was free!”.

See you next month!