iracional 88

Apotheon - interesting RPG
Guacamelee STCE - colourful platformer. Couldn’t quite get used to the controls.
Hamsterdam - Rather adorable ^_^ (a mobile game, really, but not a bad way to kill a few hours)
Hob - very snazzy world, some lovely imagery - I wish it had map markers with actual words, though XD
Sherlock Holmes: The Secret of the Silver Earring - old point and click
Thomas was Alone - replayed, as I finally got it on Steam. Great little game
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard - mixed feelings - objectively, it’s not a good game (awful protagonist personality, balancing a little off), but mindlessly hacking things can work in the right mind frame, the Vikings aspect is fun and it does have nice level details


Thomas Was Alone was great– really enjoyed it. And it was my first ever SG win! :D