
Hello, hello~ Hope you had a good weekend.

This week, I completed Garden in! from my 2023 goals list. I just need to post my review and I can cross it off the list ^^

12.9 hours
Another one bites the dust~

The gameplay loop of Garden in! is as follows: plant seeds, give them time to grow, care for them, and repeat. Seeds, potting mediums, and pots are broken into three categories: ground, air, and water. You can unlock rooms, decorations, and additional seeds simply by growing plants to maturity. It's just the peaceful, zen experience that you'll keep coming back to in your downtime to care for your plants and maybe do some decorating. Most of the controls rely on your mouse, so it works pretty well with the Steam Deck out of the box.

All in all, Garden in! is a great game for people who love and nurture plants, people who can't keep a plastic plant alive, but still enjoy gardening, and even those just looking for something less involved than a farming sim. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

And I’m still plugging away at Wild Hearts. I’ve unlocked the final area and EA added another couple of monsters, so I’ll be here for a while longer.

48 hours
Tonight, we hunt!
Played on Playstation

And here are some of my favourite acquisitions from the Spring Sale:

I’m on a bit of a gardening kick. Apparently ^^; Garden Galaxy is heavily RNG dependent and it’ll take you hours to create the perfect gardenscape. Which is just fine with me because it’s a very peaceful experience and just the thing to tuck into right before bed.

6.7 hours
I'm making something... Probably a mess.
Played on Steam

This is one of those slow burn games that take a while to get going, but are well worth the investment of time. It may be a bit frustrating due to the reliance on RNG (much like a gacha, you put in your "money" and get a random pull in return), but if you keep your eye on the end goal, you'll spend dozens of hours working on your perfect setup without even noticing the time go by.

Dave the Diver is probably going to be one of my favourite games of 2023. Just putting that out there. I’m still waiting on my physical copy of Dredge (grrrr), though, so we’ll see which is the better fishing game.

1.8 hours
I can't stop watching the weapon crafting cutscene (pictured). Send help! xD
Played on Steam

Absolute perfection in terms of its gameplay loop. If you like fishing/management style games, you need to check this one out. Dave the Diver has you diving by day, and maintaining a sushi restaurant by night. As you progress, you can upgrade your gear and dive deeper, giving you more types of sushi and more capital to upgrade your gear. Rinse, wash, repeat. Progression is very satisfying with risk versus reward, roguelike elements: do you dive deep and hopefully return to the surface before running out of oxygen (thus losing everything you picked up that dive) or do you play it safe and grind away with the same old fish? The writing and art are fantastic, too—and this is only early access!

I’ve been playing a lot of management sims as well.

3.1 hours
Home decorating? Count me in!
Played on Steam

I didn't realize this is by the same developer as Garden in! for a while o.o Huh. The Tenants is a fun management sim with some elements of customization in terms of building interiors. I've dabbled a bit and I really like it. I've seen some complaints in other reviews that customization is very limited to what the customer wants, but there are enough options to make it your own even if you have to bow to the AI's tastes.

Last, but certainly not least, we have Beacon Pines, which was recommended to me by a friend. Good God it’s a rollercoaster ride so far. I’m trying not to blaze right through it, but I’m so intrigued by the plot. A loooot of “wtf?!” moments (in a good way).

2.0 hours
Played on Steam

I mistook Beacon Pines for a wholesome, fairytale-esque story with gorgeous graphics and some unique, engaging word-play based gameplay. I mean, yes it's both of those last thing, but the story is everything but a fairytale. No spoilers, just know that you should play this if engrossing stories are your thing. Go go go.

Honourable mentions go to Simmiland. It isn’t the type of game that holds your hand; you’re expected to experiment until you figure out what works and what doesn’t. And a lot of what I’ve done so far has not worked xD I definitely need to experiment more, but it’s an interesting mixture of card game and god game just from the short time I’ve spent with it.

0.7 hours
Played on Steam

What are you folks currently playing? Have a good week!


So many pretty colors in your post *_*