
Update Three Hundred and Twenty: 7 July 2019


2.8 hours playtime, 18 of 18 achievements


Now THIS is a really good fuckin game. A spectacular student project, Hollowed is a puzzle platformer that balancers different mechanics very well, and makes a good impact with its short runtime. You play as a woman on a quest to save her husband’s soul, with your own soul floating freely from your body to help. You control the woman with one half of the controller and the soul with the others, switching to different ‘forms’ to do different things, like reveal things that aren’t there, switch places with the woman, or alternatively pull the woman in the air and then push her farther.

These puzzles escalate at a smooth place, and while some are tricky, none feel INCREDIBLY asspully. There’s a hidden story you can find bits and pieces of, no text, but the visuals are lovely and everything ran smooth and fluid. Considering I made a student game, this one knocks it out of the park. I think it’s worth paying money for… but you can get it for free!

If you like puzzle-platformers at all, pick it up.

Next up: Hrmn. Why did I pick this up again? Let’s see…

See you soon!


Damn, it requires a controller :( and according to reviews ps4 controllers don’t work wth ?__?


It does require a controller, yes - and I used a wired 360 controller for it @_@ that blows.
I’m not surprised it’s not super optimized - it did run pretty hot - and unfortunately only working with one controller type might be part of that package.


This looks nice, thanks for bringing it up! And good to hear there’s not much BS with the puzzles, that was my concern when I saw the movement mechanics in the trailer. The description of the controls remind me of Brothers so it’s interesting to see what they’ve done with the similar idea on this one.


Yeah, like, I struggled with some of the puzzles, but it didn’t feel like I struggled bc the game was cheap, I struggled bc of me. That’s an accomplishment for a student game in particular!