
September 2019 Beaten - Completed & Played Games

So this month i mainly played multiplayer games and i have been having a blast with Brawlhalla. Also I have bought and finished Blasphemous.

So Blasphemous is a pretty good game since i really like metroidvanias and souls like games. Although i don’t think this one is souls like. Only checkpoint system is similiar. Also i first finished the game without using much of the metroidvania elements. So i kind of find that part a little underwhelming. By this i mean you dont have things like “you should get that item to get past here”. They had a different approach. But if you want to explore there are tons of things that you might find useful. Combat is fluid and i like the bosses. But the main point is theme for this game. The world and the desing are so well done. Also executions are so satisfying and i wish there would be more than one animation for them. Game is not that hard especially at later parts. The hard part for me was the language they use. I didn’t understand much of it. So had to use try and learn approach.

  • Blasphemous

    21 hours playtime

    39 of 45 achievements

  • Brawlhalla

    133 hours playtime

    38 of 39 achievements