  • Road Redemption

    19 hours playtime

    25 of 55 achievements

  • Borderlands GOTY

    27 hours playtime

    27 of 80 achievements

  • Borderlands GOTY Enhanced

    13 hours playtime

    31 of 80 achievements


Not a great month of achievements, but I did beat the main story in a couple of games. A mix of old and new this month.

Road Redemption
I played the original Road Rash as a kid, so was interested in this when it came out. It had decent reviews and I found an ok deal, so I picked it up a month or so ago.
It’s okay, but not great. It seemed a little rough round the edges to me. Everything worked fine but I guess the voice work and graphics or something seemed a bit off.
Easy to dip into and I felt like I was always progressing, so it was easy to keep playing through the month. I’ve no desire to come back to the game though.

Borderlands GOTY / Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
I bought the game back in 2012 and had put a fair few hours in but never finished it. This is another one of the games where a free remastered version is provided without synchronising achievements, like Red Faction Guerrilla in a previous post of mine. I was able to import my character and most of the achievements I had in the original version of the game popped up, but not all of them. Thankfully, I could get quite a few quickly just by visiting different areas of the game I had already discovered.
I finished the main story, but not the DLC. Could probably get a few more achievements, but I’m gonna leave it for now and move onto other games.

Other news
I posted on Steamgifts with a bit of a personal challenge this month. I’ve been on a health kick and cutting back on snacks. Decent process so far and the accountability of posting on the site helps a lot.
Still busy at work, but I’m past caring by now! :) No overtime, I just get what I can done and head home!
I’ll be visiting home for a couple of weeks in September with no access to Steam, so doubt I’ll get many achievements next month.

Hope everyone had a good August, keep chipping away at those backlogs! :)


Didn’t know you could import achievements. Thanks for the heads up and take care!