
June Report

I originally planned to post something 15 days ago, but uhm… let’s just say I neglected the backlog quite a bit ^^;

Panty Party

8.5 hours, 18 of 18 achievements

This game was as fun as its wild. The story is dumb in a funny way, the characters are quite entertaining (like a certain panty ) and the combat is very solid, to the point I’d love if this got a multiplayer mode and ~~becomes an eSport~~

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition

12.9 hours, 29 of 47 achievements

I honestly didn’t expect to enjoy a Batman game as much as I did, it was pretty much perfect. I was tempted to 100% it but I didn’t have the patience to try to do it ~~and the PoP deadline was getting a tad too close~~

12 is Better Than 6

14.6 hours, 45 of 46 achievements

Another game I played for PoP and liked quite a bit. For a top-down shooter it sure tries to make the player be as stealthy as possible, since the guns make enough noise to get you swarmed by enemies after the first shot (and good luck trying to reload fast).
I liked the story but I felt the ending was really abrupt, like when you plan to make one long game but late in production decide to split it in two parts and there’s not much time to make an open ending for the first part.

Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions

13.2 hours, 35 of 40 achievements

I liked it as much as the first installment. The puzzles were slightly easier this time since most of them have the same shape, but some of them still were quite challenging.

Cinderella Escape! R12

3.5 hours, 8 of 8 achievements

This game kinda disappointed me. The puzzles were solid but they got repetitive at times (which is to be expected when you notice some maps are being reused!) and the story was quite lacking. The ending also felt a bit cheap, mainly because there’s little difference between them, and both happen to be bad endings. I also played the R18 version and the only difference was the addition of some torture traps and guards which will try to err… “restrain” your character.


Good to see that Batman still holds up after all these years!