
So here’s my first post. I think i should explain why i marked some games with low playtime as beaten. Reason is simple. I played them offline, off steam etc.

  • Alpha Protocol
    Alpha Protocol

    0 minutes playtime

    no achievements

  • BioShock

    4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
    Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

    0 minutes playtime

    no achievements

  • Mafia II
    Mafia II

    1 minute playtime

    0 of 67 achievements

  • Portal 2
    Portal 2

    4 minutes playtime

    0 of 51 achievements

  • Zeno Clash
    Zeno Clash

    2 hours playtime

    0 of 22 achievements

  • Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
    Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

    3 hours playtime

    no achievements

I also own first episodes of 2 games:

  • Resident Evil Revelations 2
    Resident Evil Revelations 2

    3 hours playtime

    2 of 43 achievements

  • King's Quest
    King's Quest

    5 hours playtime

    5 of 53 achievements

I’ve beaten both. RE: Revelations 2 didn’t grab my interest. King’s Quest is better and i probably buy rest of the episodes some day. For now i consider them finished.


Yay for first post!
Nice work :)

Still got the whole Bioshock thing on my list… :]

Have a nice weekend!
Happy backlog killing!


Welcome to BLAEO! Use whatever system you want for beaten, completed, etc. You don’t have to justify it to anyone (but thank you for the explanation all the same). It’s only to compare oneself to others that having the same definition of these things would matter…and who would do such a comparison?