
I could’ve sworn I got this game from the Humble Trove, but now I’m not so sure.

This game is bad. Its main gimmick is also its greatest flaw: you can’t control your character. Once you launch yourself, the only thing you can do is hold left-click to orbit any nearby nodes (and right-click to pause), but even that isn’t consistent since your orbit path could be different from last time you had this same trajectory in this same location, or you could end up locking onto a node off-screen, much further away from yourself and your mouse cursor than other nodes. Because of this, any time the game tries to have some sort of challenge instead of being mind-numbingly boring, it ends up going too far in the other direction and being unfair. You have much, much less time to react to hazards than it looks like due to your limited movement options, to the point where many levels quickly devolve into trial and error as it’s already too late to do anything by the time the hazard shows up on screen. Maybe you launch yourself to the next node only to come across some mines in the way (mines and normal enemies don’t show up on your map), or maybe you see the spike wall in time but the only node you can lock onto still has you curve into the spikes anyway. Maybe you didn’t even see the necessary node due to visual clutter and speed-up pipes.

I will say: on the last level, I discovered that pausing and unpausing the game slows the game down for a bit, and that helped me beat the game, but I still wouldn’t recommend it.