  • Gothic Playable Teaser

    3 hours playtime

    17 of 29 achievements

Report #249: Gothic Playable Teaser

I am on a hype train

Mid of december this came very surprising in my library. THQ released a playable teaser/demo for a possible remake of Gothic 1. The original game was one of the first games, that introduced me to RPGs, made me like In Extremo. And I replayed the old games a couple of years ago.

The game uses a much more newer engine and they have reworked the combat system. It is very similar to For Honor and I think it fits perfectly into the game. You need to decide the direction of a block and a swing. At the beginning I died a lot. But after a while I got pretty used to it.

Unfortunately there are also a lot of flaws. Like the voices sounds like they sampled some old recordings, but they are not of high quality. Also the achievements are quite buggy and friends already complained about corrupted savegames

There are two necessary tweaks, turning of debug logs and motion blur. The first one will write 10gb of logs during 3 hour gameplay

Hope they will implement, but hopefully the do not force a release to early.