
February 2021

Another month done mainly with the goal of playing my sg wins. Won a lot of exciting fun ones recently which I jumped in right away but I also wanted to finish some ones I’ve been holding off on. Won Titan Quest a while back from PA, played it for an Act but kinda got tired of it….deserved to be finished so I got back into it and did just that. Favorite plays probably Outwards and Persona 4 Golden (not done yet but some decent progress getting closer to the truth!).

Genshin Impact info:
Got Ganyu this month enjoying her op charge shots a lot <3
Also got Mona which is a lot of fun as well, a nice edition to ganyu comp…haha meant to try for Xiao but didn’t have my guarantee for the banner yet… all good though. Been buffing my Amber randomly cause why not right? Haha joining the troll taunt crew!
Anndddd Ready for Hu Tao this coming week, I don’t have a ton of pulls but I do have the guaranteed banner now so fingers crossed ^^

Thanks again to the nice events that gave me a bit a bit more motivation (although I had a lot with the great wins already) from play a game you won from sg, and CJ’s play humble monthly games~