
Ninglors Log 175

21.07.20 – 27.07.20

July Progress:
PPU monthly:
July Additions:

Completed Games:

Won/Gifted Games:

Bought Games:

Played this week:

Cat Story ahead!
Soooo apparently we forgot Ameno outside. It wasn’t really bad. We were only having dinner and the door to the terrace was closed. So when I moved stuff into the kitchen there he was: A white fluff sitting on the wall in front of the kitchen window. Totally erect total attention on the window. It was so adorable and cute and beautiful… <3
I should probably note, that my old ladycat used to always sit on said wall. There was actually a cushion on which she loved to stay. Or she just sat there and waited for somebody to go into the kitchen and notice her. So when Ameno sat there today… it was very much a reminder off her. And how much I still miss her.
Cutely enough, the moment I called he, he came running. He also needed an extra portion of love to be happy. I just love this little muffin. Unless he’s super annoying in the morning bc he wants something but refuses to tell me what that is and instead just scratches at my bed. I HATE that. But otherwise I very much love him xD

So much from me :)
Have a lovely week!
Queen Ninglor


Thank you for the cat story as always! :3