  • WayOut

    3 hours playtime

    66 of 66 achievements

  • Borderlands 2

    203 hours playtime

    75 of 75 achievements

  • Crazy Machines 3

    15 hours playtime

    41 of 41 achievements

  • Besiege

    11 hours playtime

    30 of 36 achievements

Report #245: Combined report

A puzzle, two physics and a shooter

I am very lazy lately. Didn't feel like writing much, so I am wrapping up 4 games in this report.

Wayout is a nice and short puzzle game. Goal of the game is simple, get all squares to white. If you click on one, the neighbour pieces might turn color. There are a few special pieces. Difficulty is well balanced, from easy tutorial till hard. But in the end, nothing unsolvable.

Borderlands 2 recently released a new DLC to rais attention for Borderlands 3. Nice story and a very hard raid boss. A few extra hours to get all achievements and now the game is back to 100%

Crazy Machines 3 was very nice, the campaigns feature various funny chain reactions. The mini games were horrible. Especially because I do not have the best graphic card. And it seems that it is not optimized for NVidia. First I thought it lags, because I am playing on Linux, so I switched to Windows for a try, but horrible lags there as well.

Besiege is very long in Early Access. A while ago they introduced achievements, so I started it again, played through the 2/3 compaign worlds already released. Now waiting for the final content patch.