
July Roundup

Everday pure grinding...

Games I beat this month:

Beaten in July 7 games

100% completed
  • Ghost of a Tale

    21 hours playtime

    20 of 20 achievements

  • Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi

    6 hours playtime

    7 of 7 achievements

  • Day of Infamy

    113 hours playtime

    97 of 97 achievements

  • Guts and Glory

    9 hours playtime

    30 of 30 achievements

  • ToaZZle

    2 hours playtime

    5 of 5 achievements

  • LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2

    74 hours playtime

    75 of 75 achievements

  • Super Sports Surgery

    3 hours playtime

    40 of 40 achievements

Winter is fully here in my part of the world, and no better excuse to stay indoors. However, although I spent about the same amount of time playing as I do most months, my gained achievements were a bit on the slow side, as I was mostly concentrating on longer titles, where achievements are more spread out. Asides from those I beat, I also played a fair amount of Yooka-Laylee, A hat in time and Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. It's funny how one's mood changes in the course of gaming, earlier this year I was on a total 'hard' game drive, then into 'strategy' mode and this month I felt a bit more like doing 'adventure' type games. I would be so bored if all there was to play was shooter games or something like that.

On a personal front, my wife's family is coming to visit from overseas in a few days, and we'll be going away for a week. On one hand, nice to get away I guess, on the other... my 2 and a half year streak may well be broken... haha. Funnily enough this current streak started after they were here last time. Our laptop was stolen last year so I don't even think I could gain any on a low res indie game while I'm away. But maybe some kind member of my family will let me borrow theirs for a week, under the premise of needing it for 'work'

I also lost one perfect game this month in the form of 'mimpi dreams', after they added a new DLC with 3 achievements. And that's fine, new content is good. But what makes me a little mad about this case is the fact that the game I spent my money on (I bought it from steam, so not even bundle money), is now free to play, and the only thanks myself and everyone else who bought the game gets is the one extra level we already had that they are now charging $1 for. I don't know why in such a crowded market place some devs go out of their way to troll their fans. I mean I don't expect the new (overpriced) DLC to be free, but hey a 50% or even 25% voucher for paying customers would have certainly been a nice gesture to show some appreciation for the ones that thought the game was worth spending money on. As it stands now I'm not going to buy the DLC until it's on a heavy discount and I don't think the hordes of new players playing the game for free will pony up the $5 either. /rant

Other stats

Achievements Gained 244
Most difficult (according to TSA) 'National Hero IV' in Day of Infamy
Games added 15 (few from the monthly, 1 fanatical bundle, and one spam bundle because adelion said we needed to play 'Future Proof')
Number of different games played 17
Achievement streak 827 days
Average Game completion 70%
Total number of completed games 306
Games completed in 2018 67


Ghost of a Tale looks so good! I’m glad to hear that it’s a good game because it’s been on my wishlist for a while. Congrats on beating your games :)


Yeah I don’t normally buy games so soon after release, but 20% off in the summer sale was enough to hook me. It would be great purely on the basis of the characters design and animation and general look of the world, but then coupled with a decent plot and gameplay, it’s definitely a gem.