
Dear Diary,

I expected this game to be the exact same as the regular version with the exception of a few new areas, but they managed to introduce a few new features that completely changed the game for me.

For the most part, I’ve been playing with the newly added One-Life difficulty. The farthest I’ve gotten is the Misty Woods, killed by a really tricky laser beam that causes instant death. Most people would get extremely frustrated from having to restart the whole game after dying, but I don’t mind because I can aim for a more optimized route each run. Most of my deaths have been unexpected or stupid, an accidental slip off the wall which causes me to fall into spikes, or getting trapped in between to instant death beams with no way to escape. I feel like the game could have been designed a bit better so that those deaths could be avoided, but perhaps the design was intentional. I’ve already come to accept that I will never get this achievement, but that won’t stop me from trying. I guess I finally understand all those people that create hardcore characters on Diablo.

After about ten unsuccessful attempts on the One-Life difficulty, I decided to switch gears and try a run where I don’t use any skill points - only, I made one huge mistake of playing it on hard difficulty. In hard difficulty, everything does double damage. This wouldn’t be a huge problem except that I don’t have the skills to heal myself when I need to, so I’m constantly at low health with no energy to save. So far, I’ve found One-Life difficulty to be less tense, because falling into spikes doesn’t necessarily mean your death. In hard mode, having low health and no energy forces you into somewhat frustrating situations. I’ve accidentally created an incredibly difficult challenge for myself, but I’ll gladly take it on.

Definitely one of my favorite games to date. Looking forward to the day where I finally perfect this game.

Yours Truly,


I truly applaud you for trying this! :O I was rather close to rage quitting on the first escape sequence, so I kinda view attempting a no-death Ori run as a superhuman act. You have my most sincere support in your quest, Tumalu!


I really love the art style and I love the soundtrack even more. Dying doesn’t bother me, because it’s just more candy for my eyes and ears. I cheated to complete the Immortal achievement in the original version so I’ve always been guilty, so I’m hoping I’ll some day complete the One-Life achievement as well. Thank you for your support! :)


+1 on exactly what you said.


I just used savescumming for no-death cheevo and combined no-skill with speed run ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I did a lot some save files copying in the original version for the no-death achievement, but I always wanted to try it without messing around with game saves.
Game doesn’t let you copy one-life files, so that makes things a bit more interesting.


I disabled steam synchronisation and manually copied save files from folder to back-up.


One Life is madness O:


Fitting for me, because I’m completely crazy!


Good luck :) I couldn’t even finish the non-definitive edition because it was too challenging for me. I don’t enjoy platformers enough to go through such torture even though the game looks fantastic :(


Man, you are your own worst enemy, eh? =)
I knew before I ever played the game that I’d never be able to do One Life difficulty. I know my limitations. And why on earth would you do your no skillpoint playthough on Hard? LOL. You are your own torturer. But hey– power to you; you’re a better man than I am!
I just finished the game this month but didn’t even try for the five achievements I knew I wouldn’t get: one life (e.g., Unhinged), speed run, no skillpoints, hard, and play without dying (e.g, Immortal). Actually, I could probably finish the game on Hard if I devoted myself to it, but the escape sequences would just kick my ass. They were hard enough on Easy.


Hard was a new difficulty, and I didn’t think Hard would be that hard. D:
I’ve played this game so much that I almost have it memorized, so it’s not super bad for me - that’s how much I love this game!