
A post is really overdue for me!


A okay-ish 3D collectathon.
Not much story as usual for those games
The controls are a bit slugish, I decided to endure the game since it's a short game.
Overall decent.

Xbox Game Pass

What to say about this nice little adventure.
I am personally not a fan of a game with several endings where you have to search for the correct one.
But this story was really good and it has nice gravity falls vibes.

Xbox Game Pass

I think Metroidvenia might be my favorite genre nowadays.
I would not say this one is one of the best metroidvenia out there.
But it's decent in every aspect.
If you don't expect too much, you can really have fun with this game.

Xbox Game Pass

Some highs and lows there.
Some plot twists I liked, some I didnt like.
Hard to say more without spoiling the story.
Overall I enjoyed it, even if it was not the best game.

Xbox Game Pass

turns music on
Great game, some parts felt more like a unnecessary filler, but still a great game.
The saddest part for me was the I couldnt enjoy the music after a huddle up cause the fight was over too fast.
They should have continued the music after you win, till the song is over.

Xbox Game Pass

The last game of the Kiryiu saga ( as far as I know)
Personally the first few chapters were a bit too slow for my taste.
But towards middle/end the whole thing really picked up the pace and got interesting.
Combat, games, sidequests were typical yakuza, not much to say there.