Cece09’s profile

June 2024

23% (822/3551)
15% (546/3551)
61% (2183/3551)
24% (919/3771)
15% (562/3771)
61% (2290/3771)


Completed: 0
Achievements: 35,436
Perfect: 848
Average %: 86


I mean there’s not much to say here is there. I didn’t play nothing other then a tiny bit of colouring pixels and cleaning up my yugioh game which I completed but I already put that down this year. So I can’t name my favourite like usual since again nothing was done. Honestly the fact I even got a tiny sliver of progress these 3 months is insane

Anyway there is news for my gaming the rest of the year. I am doing my last speedrun in July to get through my sale games, this will also be a hog month so 31 minimum I’m hoping to achieve. From August I will solely focus on long games and pop. I have set my self a personal challenge of doing like 5 of the games otherwise I have to pay regardless of which ones I did. I really slowed down once the website became a thing that I ended up taking a break twice but the pickers work hard choosing games for me and they like picking the same games that I kept avoiding so lets do it! Away from pop my focus will be ys and legends of heroes, I’m not sure on which will be 1st just both were secret santa gifts so them first. Then digimon, fairy fencer f and nier. From there I have no clue, maybe yakuza since I got a good start of them and maybe buy the newest game for winter sale but we will see

May 2024


Completed: 9
Achievements: 34,836
Perfect: 840
Average %: 85


I pretty much spent this whole month just cleaning up achievements in games, it probably will continue on to the next month as well so it probably won’t be to much again. However with the sale happening at the end I will probably do another big month in july to make up for all the new games and then I will focus on those damn pop games! Maybe I’ll put a challenge down and be like I’ll still pay anyway if I can’t do at least 5 of them

My favourite of the month will go to bear with me. I always say I don’t want to really pick games I’ve done before and that leaves me with aarklash and that’s a no. I do need to go back and complete the original game, I don’t think I did when I played it before and that’s how there’s so many missing achievements. So yeah its a nice little game and the black and white look to it doesn’t destroy it for me

April 2024

  • A Warmer Shade of Summer

    1.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Annoy This Guy

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Autumn Spirit

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Beth the Exhibitionist

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Bond Blues

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Boo's There?

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Case Kovacs - Agent 228

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Cloud Climber

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Conversation With A Rock

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Cracking the Stone

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • English Is Hard_

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Forgotten Hill Mementoes

    1.9 hours playtime

    34 of 35 achievements

  • Great Deer

    1.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Hidden Series Prologue

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Homeland: Lay to Rest

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • I Am Bread

    14.8 hours playtime

    17 of 35 achievements

  • Instruction

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Johnny Rocketfingers Complete Game Collection!

    0.8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Kneedle Knight

    0.7 hours playtime

    8 of 16 achievements

  • L'Île Archéo

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • LAB.AR

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Lilith Was Dead

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Linda & Joan Prologue: “Four Months Earlier”

    0.4 hours playtime

    6 of 8 achievements

  • Manor Madness

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Memary: Memory of the nameless one

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Memory note

    0.6 hours playtime

    6 of 7 achievements

  • Mindworks: The Great Division

    0.7 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • MiniBob

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Moko's Advice

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Motion Of The Heart

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Mystery Castle: The Mirror's Secret

    8.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • One Barbarian Futa Tribe Chapter 1: Violet

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • OnlyCans: Thirst Date

    0.8 hours playtime

    9 of 27 achievements

  • Peggle Extreme

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Pepa's Adventure

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Powers in the Basement

    1 hours playtime

    19 of 24 achievements

  • The Case of the Serialized Killer

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Eyes of Dr Kautzmann

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Zoe The Exhibitionist

    1.8 hours playtime

    no achievements


Completed: 110
Achievements: 33,889
Perfect: 819
Average %: 84


So obviously another speed run was done. There was more planned but like half way through the month things got a bit on top of me in real life so I decided it was best to just relax then push through more and regret it. Plus look at how many cat games I did, I clearly ran out and need to catch up again :P

Love’s Crescendo is my favourite of the month. Honestly I almost picked mail time because the music scenes are kinda boring since you have to pass and have to fail for completion, but I just really liked the two characters. Plus I did like mail time but at the same time it was mostly moving place to place and questioning its buggy achievement

Anyway I have 0 idea what I’m planning to do for this new month. I probably should go back and finish up my yakuza but I don’t think I can give it proper attention right now so yeah who knows.

March 2024

22% (708/3181)
16% (524/3181)
61% (1949/3181)
23% (822/3551)
15% (546/3551)
61% (2183/3551)


Completed: 3
Achievements: 33,274
Perfect: 805
Average %: 84


Well nothing really changed this month. I mean look at that progress bar I made it perfectly the same again. Even my stats below are the same because I didn’t complete anything. This was a yakuza month and I did make it through almost the 2nd character of number 5 but play a win has started early and I’m not confident in beating it without sacrificing alot of content

Number 2 will be my favourite. As a kiwami game its obviously just the best and by that point they haven’t reused the themes to many times. I mean I really liked the new characters in 4 but they are so good that kiryu is boring. He’s a boring man when you can play others.

February 2024


Completed: 3
Achievements: 32,525
Perfect: 805
Average %: 84


A small month this time. I’m gonna keep this short all games have been done before. Through steam bully is the newest but honestly it doesn’t deserve it. Bully on pc sucks, there are so many guides on how to stop the crashing and even that is to simply stop it happening as much. I reset 32 times, the ending was done twice because of that and chapters 1 and 2 were done twice cuz I had a full on save error. It was hurting to play it.

Sound of poison will get it. Its still a great game from the 1st time I played it years ago. It definitely still has its claims from me of being one of my best

January 2024

  • Where Cats 猫咪在哪里

    0.0 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Where Christmas Elves 圣诞精灵在哪里

    0.2 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Where Jellyfish 水母在哪里

    0.0 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Where Pandas 熊猫在哪里

    0.1 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Where Rabbits 兔子在哪里

    0.0 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Where Sacabamba Aspises 萨卡班甲鱼在哪里

    0.0 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • XBlaze Code: Embryo

    26.2 hours playtime

    39 of 39 achievements

  • 卖萌恶霸喵霸霸 Cute Bully Nyanbaba

    0.5 hours playtime

    23 of 23 achievements

  • 怕不怕趴喵霸霸 Ghost Party Nyanbaba

    0.5 hours playtime

    23 of 23 achievements

  • 恶灵退散 Go Back to Hell

    0.1 hours playtime

    13 of 13 achievements

  • 混世萌王喵霸霸 Cute Chaos Demon Nyanbaba

    0.3 hours playtime

    23 of 23 achievements

  • 100 Hidden Cats in China

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • A Space for the Unbound

    11.8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Beauty Paradise

    2.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Captain Disaster in: The Dark Side of the Moon

    3.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Hans

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • How Fish Is Made

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Kindred Spirits on the Roof

    24.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Medieval Fantasy Survival Simulator

    0.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Medieval Fantasy Survival Simulator 2 Gladiator Edition

    0.7 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • My Faithful and Loyal Wife Would Never Cheat on Me

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Once Upon an Electric Dream

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Sakura Bunny Girls

    0.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Sakura Gym Girls: Prologue

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Sleeping With Sakuya Izayoi

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Stillwater

    1.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Flood

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Test: Secrets of the Soul

    0.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Test: Secrets of the Soul 2

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Welcome to Levy

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Without Romance

    1.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Yakuza Kiwami

    52.4 hours playtime

    52 of 55 achievements


Completed: 132
Achievements: 33,191
Perfect: 804
Average %: 84


So I wanted to start off the year with a big bang and see how many achievements I could get (2823). That was until bury me was done half way through and killed all motivation I had. So after a bit I ended up doing some no achievement games and I had a decent amount of progress done luckily. I even managed to 100% yakuza but 10 hours didnt count for some reason the 1st day? Like I didnt lose internet or anything so idk what happened there! I also got my average up yay

For my favourite game of the month I think I do have to give it to Yakuza. I really enjoyed the game and I think it just has a little bit more of my heart because I worked so hard on it. I didn’t end up doing another playthrough because I was busy with my win at the end but I still technically 100% it

2023 Report

16% (377/2346)
9% (221/2346)
75% (1748/2346)
17% (441/2534)
10% (258/2534)
72% (1835/2534)
20% (546/2780)
12% (344/2780)
68% (1890/2780)
22% (633/2900)
19% (560/2900)
59% (1707/2900)
22% (708/3181)
16% (524/3181)
61% (1949/3181)

Oh had a bit of a push back I see with some more new games at the end of the year but I’ll bring up my stats again very soon. Also I would like to point out I did 609 games this year while last year was 522. Also while I don’t typically pick a favourite game overall I gotta give it to Ai. I absolutely loved playing it. It was a constant laugh and great fun. Every few minutes I had to send sam something because I had to show off this amazing game

Now I actually do have a goal for next year. I don’t intend to beat this years amount of games, next month I will do 1 last batch so around 100-200 but that’s it. The reason is I’m curious to see how many achievements I can get in a month and doing a bunch of short with so many achievements just works out. For the rest of the year I want to go back too completing all my pop games and some of my long games. With my set next month I will have barely any short left so I want to at least get 1 big series out of the way each month. I gained some very big games from friends and santa this year so I want to do them. Its time to finally settle down and show off that I can focus for more then 1 day

December 2023

22% (708/3181)
16% (524/3181)
61% (1949/3181)


Completed: 14
Achievements: 32,171
Perfect: 755
Average %: 83


Had a more calm end to the year. Finally managed to beat my introvert quest win which I attempted to many times but it kept breaking so it took years. I am now just ready for the next year

My favourite game of the month goes to landlord of the woods. Its a fun little game and the ending was a bit of shocker. Its definitely something you should pick up as its so cheap currently

November 2023

  • A Heart of Butterblue

    1.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • A Juggler's Tale

    2.4 hours playtime

    17 of 18 achievements

  • Aperture Desk Job

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.8 hours playtime

    12 of 21 achievements

  • Bite Sized Puzzle

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • BLACK BOX LSS - The Shining Immortal

    0.7 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Change the World

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Dead End Aegis: Gaiden

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • December 1914

    0.8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Dinner with an Owl

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Do I Know You?

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Find someone else

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Fishing Game

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Garden of Roses: Summerset

    0.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Goblet of Mercy

    0.4 hours playtime

    10 of 12 achievements

  • Gobyworld

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Hair of the Dog

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Her Lie I Tried To Believe

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • In Passing

    0.6 hours playtime

    0 of 7 achievements

  • Kemono Friends Opening Day

    0.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Long Time No See

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Morendo

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • My Boss Leidi

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • My Friend is a Raven

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • My Light In The Dark

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Night in Riverager

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Nocturama

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Potions & Emotions

    0.9 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Hepatica Spring

    1.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Lost Dachshund

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Old Tree

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements


Completed: 67
Achievements: 22,400
Perfect: 746
Average %: 83


A bit late post but its here. A decent amount of free games was done last month which is good since it was my birthday month and I gained some big games I gotta tackle.

My favourite game of the month goes to the ditzy demons. It was a great game and I just loved the characters. Its always great when you find a visual novel that has its funny moments

October 2023


Completed: 34
Achievements: 22,132
Perfect: 741
Average %: 83


Well I managed to get a bunch of shorter games out of the way at the last possible moment so its another great month and with this done. I have beaten my most games done from last year of 522 so lets see how much further I can go

My favourite game of the month is God Eater 3. I loved the little girl we adopted, she made the game amazing and while it was sad not to see the previous characters like before I also appreciate the turn around it did. Honestly if Corpse Factory kept up with its 1st act it might’ve been that. It started off great considering act 1 is like 90% of the game but then by the end I hated it.
