There is no trying. You do, or not! Mitsukuni’s profile

I’m a sucker for building-management-isometric triangle, I prefer medieval over modern, almost hate post-apocalyptic setting and generally hate horror as a genre (with indirect exceptions). I really loved FFXIV but had to request the deletion of my account because it was no good for my backlog. I play exclusively on Linux since 2020 and working on 3 games but haven’t released one yet.

Also, 100% Orange Juice is my relapsing addiction.
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Oldest Unfinished 30 (✔ 10/30)

June 2024

Gaming-wise this month was pretty dull for me. I was able to finish only one backlog while getting 4 more on the Summer sale.

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

22 hours playtime, 12 of 70 achievements (17.14%)
# 33

I also played the first game again since it’s included as Egypt campaign here, because why not. Second Encounter has bigger maps, so it’s more suitable for co-op, but I still like the hordes from the first game more. From technical points, Second Encounter has more features, more enemy types, more guns, and maybe more secrets. This is a must-play for people who love horde shooters.

May 2024

# 28
32.2 hours playtime

Really well done tribute to the original King's Bounty, the predecessor of Heroes of Might & Magic games. While this game is quite similar to HomMM V, it's very different as well.

There is no turn-base on the main map so you can freely roam around like a usual RPG game. There are no quest indicators on the map so you should read your conversations carefully, though because of that sometimes it can be uncertain what to do next, especially if you give a break. Turn-based battles are pretty much the same with HoMM games. Kind of a down part for me; since the game isn't on weekly basis, the unit training also isn't on weekly basis, that means you cannot recruite units more than your leadership points. You can get more units indirectly but as long as your leadership points are not enough, they'll go rogue in battles. Nice detail actually, I don't like it though because you cannot doomstack units. At least that keeps the pace of the game in line, so expect a more casual gameplay.

The story is nothing special and I'm not really fond of unserious writing. The special device's name that you use on battles was Gizmo, there are a lot of examples like this. I mean, they're funny at first but gets boring rather quickly. Though there were some really nice plot twists here and there so it will keep your interest fresh. Getting lost on the map is boring at first look and it certainly feels that way, but the game has a lot of backtracking so overall it's not actually a bad thing.

There are different castle teams like in HoMM games, like Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Demons, Swamp Creatures etc. You are not a hero to a specific team (like in HoMM) so you can use any units on your team as you want. There is a morale point of units, they don't get along with each other if they are very different (There is a skill to prevent that.). However, there are some obviously better units. You'll want to use them more when you progress enough. Though if you form your units from the same team and also have items that give bonuses to them, you may want that as well. Pretty useful.

Overall, it's a great game and I'm sure you'll have fun if you like HoMM or even general RPGs. The last part of the game ended too quickly though, so before you reach to the last island you may want to take your time.

Refreshing game.

Unreal Gold

Unreal Gold

14 hours playtime, no achievements
# 29

I fancied some boomer-shooter and picked Unreal this month. I played Unreal Tournament back in the days with my friends but never played the original Unreal game, finally I have. The game has big levels, kinda few enemies and somewhat interactive maps. Though the enemies were bullet sponges and some of them were way too mobile to shoot at, it was not so pleasant. However I now know why this game is beloved by the community. It was surely a nice experience, even though the game shows its age.

Unreal II: The Awakening

Unreal II: The Awakening

8 hours playtime, no achievements
# 30

Sequel of Unreal but has no relation to it besides it’s the same universe, no continuation and different characters. This was also not a boomer-shooter, more like Halo than Unreal. It was pretty short, levels were pretty small. But loading screens were long. They were long like the game installed on an HDD in 2003. Unreal Gold always loaded instantly but this game… I played ~8 hours and probably spent 2-3 hours looking at loading screens. Maybe not worse than Starfield. :)

The ending sucked and the last mission had terrible physics and awful platforming. It was short like other missions but I died due to platforming a lot, that means a lot of loading screens. Yuck!

I feel kinda sorry for the fans of the first game who hyped for the sequel in 2003.

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

32 hours playtime, 23 of 44 achievements (52.27%)
# 31

Even though this is a “definitive edition” it has some serious problems despite having quality of life improvements. While graphics and user interface is just lovely, the gameplay kinda sucks and frustrating most of the time. The units keep getting stuck on each other every time, some campaign maps are really small and you cannot train more than 50 units at the same time (outside of campaign the unit limit is 250) and the game is slow even on very fast mode. Now I kinda understand why Microsoft released the Rise of Rome DLC for AoE II:DE and not for this game because even they know it sucks. Play only if you’re interested in the campaign and want to see it with newer graphics. Other than this, there is no reason to play it.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

17 hours playtime, no achievements
# 32

LAU trilogy is the best Lara Croft trilogy ever made in my opinion. Although PC ports are kinda janky, they still give you the satisfaction of seeing Lara in action (mostly puzzles though). And yes, Lara Croft games should be about puzzles and tombs however they’re mostly optional in the reboot trilogy. I mean, they are good games too but they somehow lack the Lara essence. TR Anniversary is the remake of the very first Tomb Raider game and it’s a pretty loyal remake as well. This one also didn’t have the weird controller issue that TR Legend had. I definitely had good time, so highly recommended.

April 2024

# 18
14.3 hours playtime

One of the nerdest games I've ever played. The world looks like pretty much Tron-esque and I like Tron. It's a strategy game but it's also kinda like a witnessing a creation of a God game. This is a digital world created by a man and we're aiding him to rescue his world from virus corruption.

You might have a hard time learning the basics of the game since it's quite different and unique but the tutorial walks you pretty good. If you like Tron and generally 80's computing aesthetics, this game will be a nice journey for you. I enjoyed it a lot. It has a nice nerd humour too.



2 hours playtime, 0 of 12 achievements (0%)
# 19

Multiplayer version of Darwinia that focused on battles but sadly no one plays it. There is an AI skirmish mode and obviously it’s kinda dull. Though the multiplayer with humans would be super fun.

I played at least one map from each game mode. It’s very chaotic, chaotically fun. Limited without humans though.

Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~

Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~

5 hours playtime, 0 of 85 achievements (0%)
# 20

Nice little VN that gives you some nice touristic information about Japan. It was already cute but I found the ecchi scenes unnecessary.

Human Resource Machine

Human Resource Machine

12 hours playtime, 16 of 16 achievements (100%)
# 21

Never learned Assembly and apparently this game is a visual version of it. :)
There are a lot of brain teasing puzzles and I have to admit that had to look for optimal solutions for some puzzles since they were quite hard.

Eryi's Action

Eryi's Action

9 hours playtime, 14 of 32 achievements (43.75%)
# 22

I left this game at the final boss fight and now I remember why I left it, it’s a bullet hell. It seems I’m better at bullet hells now but I still don’t like them. The game is normally a platformer by the way. But it’s a some form of Cat Mario, so get ready to pull your hairs if you ever decide to play it. :P

The Bridge

The Bridge

5 hours playtime, 6 of 20 achievements (30%)
# 23

Also left this at the final puzzle. It was hard back then and it still is. Real brain teaser, or should I say a brain taser. :)

Super Meat Boy

Super Meat Boy

4 hours playtime, 0 of 48 achievements (0%)
# 24

Only two worlds left but I cannot go further anymore. I tried my best and it was not enough. It was fun while it lasts though.

Tomb Raider: Legend

Tomb Raider: Legend

10 hours playtime, no achievements
# 25

You might find this interesting but somehow this was more fun to me than the reboots. Maybe it’s the nostalgia but this is how I remember Tomb Raider. Terrible controls though. Kinda unplayable with a controller and had to remap default buttons because they suck.

Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy III

47 hours playtime, 14 of 18 achievements (77.78%)
# 26

Finally finished this though I like almost every form of Final Fantasy so I like playing them without trying to finishing them, at least the old ones. This battle system is my favourite, classic turn-based and no additional mumbo-jumbo. Quite grindy but even grinding is fun in FF. The last 6 boss fights without a save point was too much. Thanks to not enough grinding, I had to learn a maze-like dungeon (Flashbacks to Ys I&II).

Without a guide, I would go crazy though. Good game, can run on a potato.

GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

52 hours playtime, 236 of 419 achievements (56.32%)
# 27

This is a one long tower defense game. Started this in 2015 and finally beat it. Horror - TD, what a mock-up.

March 2024

# 12
91.6 hours playtime

Agarest is a great SRPG where you fight a long war which a normal human lifespan cannot fulfill. So you get married and have a son at the end of each generation and continue your journey. Since your party is barely human and have all sorts of races, they live long so you won't lose much of your fire power when the generation changes.

It has a nice soundtrack, great character designs, fully voice acted VN, great turn-based combat. However combat maps were pretty bland. I have played a lot of IF (Idea Factory) games and they are great when it comes to create an overall map but they kinda suck at creating a combat map. Battles could've been more spicy since it turns into a grind-fest after some time. Generally you won't have a problem fighting enemies until the generation boss, then you'll need to grind a couple levels to match the boss, which is boring because if you don't he will beat you easily. Especially the third generation boss was a headache.

And then there were exploration maps which is the worst part of the game. These maps are traditional JRPG maps where you run and randomly face enemies. However these maps were also so bland, the devs didn't even tried to make them look like different than each other so it was kind of hit-or-miss to find your way. These maps marked as quest areas and they are mandatory at first and optional once you pass them once. Grinding is not optional so get ready to return to these quest areas.

Anyway, even though the game have some down parts, generally it was quite enjoyable. Gotta admit, I got a little burnt out at fourth generation. I both want to continue to other games in the series and don't want to play them for a long time at the same time. The latter probably outweighs.

End-game achievement is at 3% so I guess you can say it's kind of a commitment to play and finish this game.

Well, 3 other Agarest games to go.

Kingdom Rush Origins

Kingdom Rush Origins

8 hours playtime, 39 of 83 achievements (46.99%)
# 13

Continuation of Kingdom Rush series. If you liked the previous titles, you’ll like this as well.

Kingdom Rush Vengeance

Kingdom Rush Vengeance

6 hours playtime, 27 of 84 achievements (32.14%)
# 14

Now, this was spicy. Finally we’re controlling the evil forces and see the other side of the coin. I think this was the most fun I’ve had with this series.

Crysis Remastered

Crysis Remastered

13 hours playtime, 33 of 40 achievements (82.5%)
# 15

Good old Crysis. For me this wasn’t really remastered because I cannot use ray tracing which is the main point of this remaster. However, it is Crysis and it is good. This is the most open world game in the series.
Stealth is kind of optional but it’s good to have.

Crysis 2 Remastered

Crysis 2 Remastered

16 hours playtime, 23 of 35 achievements (65.71%)
# 16

This is the game where the series went for more Call of Duty-esque feeling with smaller maps without losing from its epicness. It was more tactical than the first game and stealth was necessary. The controls of the nano suit was better.

Crysis 3 Remastered

Crysis 3 Remastered

16 hours playtime, 25 of 37 achievements (67.57%)
# 17

This was more like Deus Ex than Crysis but it was still Crysis. Using tactics is necessary (for your sake) and stealth is enforced. It was more open world than Crysis 2 I guess.

Oldest Unfinished 30

I wanted to do this challenge for quite some time and I still won’t put myself a deadline for this. However for events I attend, I will try to pick at least one from this list so I can finish these games in the foreseeable future. The list is simple. I sorted the games with “Date Added to Library” and picked the oldest and unfinished 30 games. There aren’t any games I don’t want to play here because. I also didn’t included the ones I couldn’t delete but hide. This list has a lot of fairly long games so let’s see how long will this take.

# Game Date Added to Library Playtime Notes Status
1 SpellForce - Platinum Edition 2013-01-03 11.3 h Played this offline a lot but it's time to finish the long campaign.
2 Uplink 2013-08-13 1.7 h Time to become Neo. Again.
3 Darwinia 2013-08-13 14.4 h Already installed.
4 Multiwinia 2013-08-13 2.2 h -
5 FEZ 2013-09-11 6.5 h Actually played this fairly enough but I guess I bailed it because it got somewhat complicated. Probably will need a guide.
6 Port Royale 3 2014-01-16 5.3 h This was added to my library over a hype since I like Port Royale 2 a lot. However this was kind of a disappointment like Kalypso did with a lot of IP. At least gotta try to finish the campaign.
7 Sid Meier's Railroads 2014-02-12 3.2 h Played this a lot before Steam but never finished the campaign.
8 Age of Empires II: HD 2014-03-09 24.3 h Already have the Definitive Edition as well but oldies are goodies.
9 Eryi's Action 2014-03-14 8.8 h I think I left this game because couldn't beat the last boss. We'll see.
10 Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon 2014-04-19 1.6 h I have this game since the name was Home Sheep Home 2. Somehow forgot this existed. Not anymore.
11 Go! Go! Nippon! 2014-04-22 5.2 h I don't have any of the DLC so should end quickly. Right?
12 Tropico 5 2014-05-14 71.8 h One of those rare games I pre-ordered because I really liked Tropico 4. This game has some quirks and I will need to play all over because my save files are missing. ~Sigh!
13 Skyborn 2014-05-29 5.1 h I started this but barely even remember the story.
14 Fallout: New Vegas 2014-06-24 3.6 h I'm not really fond of this game because of the apocalyptic setting. Will try my chances again.
15 The Bridge 2014-08-25 4.6 h I think I was halfway through. It's an interesting puzzle game by the way.
16 Total War: SHOGUN 2 2014-09-12 3.8 h I almost like everything about Total War games (at least the historical ones) but I always found the gameplay too slow for my taste.
17 Super Meat Boy 2014-10-26 4 h I have a love/hate relationship with precision platformers. Hopefully won't hate it much this time.
18 Sid Meier's Civilization V 2014-11-27 10.2 h One of those long games I kept for later but that later never came. Maybe it is time.
19 Tomb Raider: Legend 2014-12-01 10.2 h Started but never finished.
20 Tomb Raider: Anniversary 2014-12-01 16.5 h Started but never finished. v2
21 Tomb Raider: Underworld 2014-12-01 1.3 h Started but never finished. v3
22 DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition 2014-12-25 4.1 h I'm not done with my suffering.
23 Banished 2014-12-27 0 h Played this fairly offline but didn't play much anyway.
24 King's Bounty: The Legend 2015-01-26 32.2 h -
25 King's Bounty: Crossworlds 2015-01-26 0.1 h This is basically 2 games since it also includes "Armored Princess".
26 Total War: EMPIRE 2015-03-30 3.7 h Same comment with Shogun 2.
27 Prison Architect 2015-5-17 20.1 h Peak Introversion. Almost all of my playtime is from early access times. It was good until Paradox ruined it. At least we can play the Introversion version under the betas section.
28 Final Fantasy III: 3D Remake 2015-06-16 46.9 h I like playing Final Fantasy games without finishing them. :)
29 Cities: Skylines 2015-10-04 3.7 h Again, kept it for later and that later never came.
30 Valkyria Chronicles 2015-11-11 19.1 h SG win. Actually I liked this game but couldn't pass a 1 hour-long boss fight three times so I bailed. Later I learned we can level up the units outside of main missions. Hopefully it won't be so bad this time.

February 2024

# 9

Well, this is not backlog, in fact it's anti-backlog. However I have a limited time to play, so I'm gonna take it.

To be fair, it all started with a sickness at the very beginning of February. So for the next 10 days I couldn't really played anything, except this. Since it can be played while laying down, it was kinda perfect. Anyway, it seems I really missed LLSIF but alas it's a bittersweet joy that will end soon. It's kind of interesting to see that every part of this game is perfect, except the programming part, which takes down the whole efforts of others. No idea how can they screw this up so badly but they did. So they will take it down from the stores on May 31. The worst part, they closed down the previous games before even releasing this one so there is nothing to fill this space. It's sad.

Only mobile game I've ever played in a long time period and I'll say goodbye to it even before I get used to it. Eh, many mobile games suck on mobile phones unless they're kind of simple anyway (self-consolation). I'll be fully back on PC Master Race at summer, it could be before if the bugs get worse though.

Until then :'(

Tales of Zestiria

11 hours playtime, 4 of 56 achievements (7.14%)
# 10

This is probably the worst Tales game ever. I really want to finish it, this was my third try, but maybe some other time.
The graphics is fine, the soundtrack is fine, character design is fine. The game design is horrid, and the gameplay is so boring. So SO BORING.
Berseria was fire, this is just cinders.

Sakura Succubus 5

Sakura Succubus 5

1 hour playtime, 14 of 14 achievements (100%)
# 11

These games were suppose to be intentionally cheesy. They actually tried to write a real story here and failed miserably. Sucks the whole purpose of these games.

January 2024

# 1
76.5 hours playtime

Beautiful remaster that fans deserve. They even remastered the music, really nice music. I hope the other games in the series will follow this fashion. It's nice to relive classics and this is a great one.

The devs added some quality of life changes, if you want to play it how it's the original was, you can even toggle them off. I really recommend this game if you are an RTS fanatic. Gotta warn you though, it's pure old-school. There is a remastered multiplayer and the best part is you don't need Origin or what EA has a launcher now. I hope they bring this to GOG too.

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.7 Minagoroshi

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.7 Minagoroshi

23 hours playtime, 14 of 14 achievements (100%)
# 2

I’m now very close to the end. The plot thickens any chapter. If you watched the anime, you will want to play these voice-acted. The console version was like that and 07th-Mod provides you this. It’s much better than the MangaGamer version. Grab your snacks and get ready to be excited. (It’s kinda hard writing a review for Higurashi without spoilers)



14 hours playtime, 19 of 36 achievements (52.78%)
# 3

Very fun sandbox physics game and it can get really creative. You can download other people’s machines and that part is also fun. I was kinda frustrated at some level and downloaded some guy’s machine. That machine did everything automatically and analyzing it gave me quite the insight. If you like building things freely, you can make really stupid machines and still get the job done. :)

Kingdom Rush Frontiers

Kingdom Rush Frontiers

14 hours playtime, 62 of 87 achievements (71.26%)
# 4

There are some improvements over the first game. If you liked the first, you’ll like this as well.

Sakura Succubus 3

Sakura Succubus 3

7 hours playtime, 13 of 13 achievements (100%)
# 5

I really feel like these are might be the worst in Sakura titles. This chapter wasn’t even a filler, the “story” doesn’t go anywhere. It’s not even sarcastically fun.

Sakura Succubus 4

Sakura Succubus 4

7 hours playtime, 14 of 14 achievements (100%)
# 6

This chapter was kinda okay, it had some fun moments. But still…

Stronghold 2

Stronghold 2

10 hours playtime, 6 of 33 achievements (18.18%)
# 7

This is where the Stronghold games started to go downhill. It has really great castle sim ideas but those butchered down the RTS part of the game. It’s too clunky, sometimes it can be brutal on tutorial-like missions. If you can hardly beat a tutorial mission, there is obviously something wrong. I bailed the story missions at half and played a couple skirmish matches. It was more frustrating than being fun. It’s also too buggy despite being a remaster.

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead

2 hours playtime, 10 of 73 achievements (13.7%)
# 8

I almost didn’t see any differences from L4D2 (I played it like 12 years ago). Everything is the same, the levels, characters etc. I guess the only difference is the gameplay. Since I’ve seen enough from the second game, I only played this for 2 hours and no need to play more. I’m also not fond of these kind of games.

December 2023

# 98
51.4 hours playtime

I was kinda indecisive between Ys Origin and Nier: Automata for the showcase (both were really great) but I'm going with Ys Origin.

It was a good origin story to Ys I&II and the only Ys game without Adol. I initially started the game on normal mode with Yunica and I was stuck at one floor and eventually dropped the game. This time I didn't make that mistake and went with very easy. Then, easy mode Hugo and finally normal with "the third character". No name, because spoilers. If you translate normal from Falcomese, that would be hard. Even though it was my third playthrough and it was on normal, it really made me sweat at some points. It can be hard but it's really a fun ARPG. The story is emotional enough and I really love the plot twists on Falcom stories.

Falcom games have really good soundtracks and this was no exception. Brilliant music.

I guess I've waited to finish this way too long. At least one less for the backlog. Also I'm glad I've played all three routes. Even though the core game is same, there were really nice nuance between characters and the story. Definitely worth it. I like Ys and looking forward for the next titles.



39 hours playtime, 30 of 47 achievements (63,83%)
# 99

It might not look like that but this game is heavy on bullet hell. I’m not good with bullet hells, though I like some of them (still I suck) and I’m able to play some. Luckily Nier: Automata was one of them. It’s generally hack’n’slash and it’s really an exceptional game. It’s never boring (almost). I say almost because for me getting into the game was the hard part. Not that I don’t like it or anything but I felt like something was missing, could be personal.

Like Ys Origin, music was brilliant here too. Very emotional.

After finishing the game and got the true ending, I was decided to go for all the side quests. However I found that kinda confusing and dropped doing it after a few try. I guess I’ll do them if I start over some time later, maybe 10 years later as a nostalgia. Anyway, brilliant sci-fi, nice boss battles, unfolding story and very rememberable characters.

Kingdom Rush

Kingdom Rush

8 hours playtime, 47 of 74 achievements (63,51%)
# 100

Some say this is the best tower-defense game on Steam. I wouldn’t say the best but it was really good. Even though it’s originally a mobile game and this is a PC-port, it was generally fine with mouse-only. If you like TD, this is a must play I guess.

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

9 hours playtime, 1 of 9 achievements (11,11%)
# 101

Weird enough, this was not so different from the older Momodora games. A nice metroidvania with unforgiving enemies, tough boss battles and cute pixel art. I tried a pacifist playthrough but couldn’t got it thanks to a suicidal enemy, I even re-rolled a save file a couple of times but he was always suicidal so I stopped that.

Sacred Gold

Sacred Gold

12 hours playtime, no achievements
# 102

I was going for a nostalgic run and played over 10 hours but I guess some parts of the game didn’t age well, generally fine though, really good for its age. However I started getting under-leveled and I had no patience for grinding. Counting this as “played enough”.

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

14 hours playtime, 31 of 71 achievements (43,66%)
# 103

V2 was my favourite Sniper Elite title and it still is. Too bad no one plays multiplayer, TTH (Team Tag Harvest) is one of the most fun multiplayer modes I’ve ever played.
And there is an achievement for shooting Hitler in the balls (didn’t manage).

November 2023

# 82
32.3 hours playtime

Falcom's rather less known title and a sequel to first Zwei game, however you don't really must know about the first game. Though the protoganists of the first game are supporting characters here. Anyway, it was yet another epic and very enjoyable JRPG with many plot twists. Gameplay is hack'n'slash with some puzzles but it always has improvements to keep you interested. Really liked the characters and everything is gray and not black & white, which makes it a great story. You can even take it as an interactive anime. Definitely worths your time, it's one of those loveable vampire stories.

I love you Falcom. <3

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

4 hours playtime, 23 of 33 achievements (69.7%)
# 83

No exploration, very little story and only hack’n’slash. But it’s fun, only for 107 MB. Though I found the second boss kinda bullshit but you get used to it I guess. The game will test your finger muscles that’s for sure. If you’re craving for some short hack’n’slash, this might be a right choice.

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

12 hours playtime, no achievements
# 84

One of Arkane’s older games and even though it’s a Might & Magic title, haven’t played it before. It shows its age, but it was fun and felt more interactive than Skyrim to be fair. Only down part, it was quite short. Kicking enemies off the cliffs was really enjoyable. :)



3 hours playtime, 9 of 13 achievements (69.23%)
# 85

Now this is an interesting mystery walking simulator. I like the minds of Red Thread Games, they are partially the team that made the first Longest Journey game. If you played that trilogy, this will be a fresh window to look at. It might look short but believe me it’s the right amount because it gets sadder every moment. The music was so fitting and it has one of the best landscapes, so you might wanna enjoy just the view.

Evan's Remains

Evan's Remains

4 hours playtime, 17 of 17 achievements (100%)
# 86

Interesting little platformer with an intriguing story and apparently you can also play it as a visual novel by skipping puzzle parts so it might appeal both kind of people (Though still I would expect an achievement for solving all the puzzles). It’s a bittersweet story though.



9 hours playtime, 25 of 25 achievements (100%)
# 87

I guess this was the most cozy game I’ve ever played (Not recommended if you freshly moved to a new place, hehe). It has some nostalgic items so get ready to be emotional.



12 hours playtime, 13 of 20 achievements (65%)
# 88

One of the cutest and an interesting puzzle games. Really liked rotating map parts as my need and that’s the puzzle part of the game, well mainly. Everything is hand-drawn and the art style is top-notch cute. Nice title if you’re looking for something original.



10 hours playtime, 8 of 15 achievements (53.33%)
# 89

Nice metroidvania if you’re craving for some Castlevania-like game. I prefer this dev’s pixel art works but this one was still pleasing to look at. I was kinda rusty to get into the game’s pace but once that’s done it was quite fun.

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3

47 hours playtime, 32 of 81 achievements (39.51%)
# 90

I like Borderlands titles and they’re fun to play. However the main story plot went down hill since the late DLC of Borderlands 2. From technical points, the game is awesome and even better than previous titles, but the main plot is pretty much meh. Though side quests were still mostly fun as always. Personally I hated the appeal to the Twitch / Tiktok generation. I already don’t like them in real life, why would I want to see them in a game I would like to enjoy? If they wanted me to hate the villains more, well they reached their goals though, in a boring way. It seems they made an unrepairable damage to the main plot and I completely lost my interest for the next Borderlands game, unless it’s some kind of a prequel. Gunplay, visuals, soundtracks, basically everything else was awesome but because of the main story, it felt kinda hollow. If you like Borderlands, go for it. If you are a Borderlands fan, it will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

This War of Mine

This War of Mine

19 hours playtime, 15 of 55 achievements (27.27%)
# 91

One of those games that I don’t count them as a game. I would say this one is more like an interactive documentary. 45 days of misery, accurate description of hell on earth. It was already hard for me to play to the end and I don’t think I would want to play it again. It felt too real. :(

The Room 4: Old Sins

The Room 4: Old Sins

9 hours playtime, 9 of 9 achievements (100%)
# 92

I think this one was kinda easier than the previous The Room games but the quality was still top.

Mafia: Definitive Edition

Mafia: Definitive Edition

11 hours playtime, 29 of 43 achievements (67.44%)
# 93

This isn’t really a definitive edition, it’s actually a remake. Haven’t played the classic mode yet but so far it’s good. Unlike Mafia III this one is the real Mafia game. I never liked GTA games and I think Mafia or Sleeping Dogs reflect the realities of crime world better. I know the original story is also short but I wish this was kinda longer.



2 hours playtime, 48 of 48 achievements (100%)
# 94

Pretty short but it’s a fun experience. Character design, cute pixel art, nice 8-bit music, everything about this game is nice. And most importantly, the idea of this game is original.

Mafia II: Definitive Edition

Mafia II: Definitive Edition

15 hours playtime, 34 of 67 achievements (50.75%)
# 95

No idea what’s so definitive about this comparing to the original game, aside from the added glitches here and there. Also first time tried to play DLC missions and I’m deeply disappointed, why would someone want to play arcade style with a game like this? Jimmy missions especially suck. They could’ve make them a nice short story.

Sakura Succubus

Sakura Succubus

6 hours playtime, 9 of 9 achievements (100%)
# 96

The worst Sakura story by far. It seems like they’re out of ideas, it isn’t even parodically fun. Also it feels like the character artist has changed since the expressions are pretty bad, not Sakura-esque at all.

Sakura Succubus 2

Sakura Succubus 2

6 hours playtime, 13 of 13 achievements (100%)
# 97

Well, at least this one seems better than the first one but still it feels off. Also this was like “evil” version of LoveKami than a usual Sakura title.

October 2023

# 71
27.6 hours playtime

There are so many things to say about OMORI but it's definitely one of those unusual takes on classic JRPG genre. When you finished the game for the first time, you understand that it's a well studied psychological piece of fiction. No need to say less, it's gonna hurt you. Though you'll need to get all the pieces to fully understand the story, you'll want to find all of them anyway. There isn't really a good ending and there are worse and worse endings. Even though I've finished with the "good" ending, I would love to see the true ending more, because it fits the story the best. Gotta warn you, there is no winning in that. You'll lose a piece from your soul, the game's warnings at the beginning tell you the truth. If you are soft on these kind of things, be careful about it.

I guess this is enough praise. The handcrafted art, the soundtracks, cute pixel art (don't let it fool you), unexpected events, interesting characters everything in this game is well made. One last warning, if you saw the screenshots and expecting a cute little game, stay away! You have been warned!

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

17 hours playtime, 21 of 39 achievements (53.85%)
# 72

4th installment of Trine series and after the 3D fail of the third game, we’re backed to 2,5D. It’s more optimized for the controller use and the game lost from its freedom more and more. Now every character’s skills are fixed on something. It was a fine game but if you’re expecting something like first or second game, you’ll be disappointed. Visuals were exquisite as always though.



18 hours playtime, 33 of 246 achievements (13.41%)
# 73

Finally finished the campaign however this game deserves hundreds of hours easily since campaign is not the main attraction here, it’s more like a tutorial with some freedom. Took me long enough to finally understand and get used to the mechanics, I guess that’s somewhat expected. The game is harsh as it’s fun and rewarding. Don’t get fooled by the slow paced gameplay, you’ll die brutally, a lot. Every clan has a unique play style and that alone can keep you in the game for a long time, however many clans are DLC. Though basic clans are more than enough for a long time I would say. With its cute art and nice soundtracks, this is a game all RTS fans should try. (Dark Souls of RTS genre lol)

Halo 3

Halo 3

57 hours playtime, 128 of 700 achievements (18.29%)
# 74

It didn’t feel as epic as Halo 2 but still it was a satisfactory and kinda open ending. Dual wield needler gun was fun.

Halo 3: ODST

Halo 3: ODST

57 hours playtime, 128 of 700 achievements (18.29%)
# 75

Side story for Halo 3 but there was no Spartan, no Master Chief, just regular soldiers. It was kinda fun but not as the other Halo titles.

Halo 4

Halo 4

57 hours playtime, 128 of 700 achievements (18.29%)
# 76

Side story for Halo 3 but there was no Spartan, no Master Chief, just regular soldiers. It was kinda fun but not as the other Halo titles.

Gun Gun Pixies

Gun Gun Pixies

14 hours playtime, 24 of 34 achievements (70.59%)
# 77

As a visual novel it was somewhat interesting and entertaining. However third-person gunplay parts were really bad and have no meaning, they just sucked so bad. At least main conversations were voice acted so I guess that’s where all the dev budget went and the game ended up being $50. Got this for 90% discount and suggest the same if you are interested.

Sakura MMO

Sakura MMO

7 hours playtime, 15 of 15 achievements (100%)
# 78

This could be the best story (even though kinda cliche) and best CGs in the all Sakura titles (haven’t played Succubus ones yet). For the first time I felt it wasn’t cheesy. Congrats to devs.

Sakura MMO 2

Sakura MMO 2

7 hours playtime, 15 of 15 achievements (100%)
# 79

Considering these as a trilogy, this one was a filler.

Sakura MMO 3

Sakura MMO 3

6 hours playtime, 25 of 25 achievements (100%)
# 80

For the ending, there wasn’t really a conclusion but the fact that there is a bad ending really surprised me. There were a lot of usual parts, but it was a good run I guess. :)

Sakura MMO Extra

Sakura MMO Extra

3 hours playtime, 15 of 15 achievements (100%)
# 81

There is always a room for dessert I guess. :P

765 games (+1 not categorized yet)
24% never played
9% unfinished
47% beaten
17% completed
3% won't play