Greetings! SleepyNosku’s profile
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward!
1 - Clannad
2 - Zelda: Breath of the Wild
3 -
4 -
5 -
0/5 = Purchase a Game [In Progress]
Bank of Cirilla 378 games
Well, they don't lie when they say to grab the tissues and you are in for an incredible journey when you read this VN. I cried literally about 10 times throughout this story, some in the beginning and around 7 times in the main route. It wasn't just a tear shed, I was literally sobbing at the story and it would not stop. I just can't express how devastating, heart warming and incredible this story is. I spent a good year or so (it could be more) putting this story off and shoving it deep in my backlog because of how massive the story is and how scared I was to be so emotionally vulnerable when reading this. Recently (duh) I decided to pick it up and start reading and I'm so glad I did. I was so happy to finally check this game as completed and I highly highly recommend everyone play this whether you are an anime fan or not.
The Good
I mean I'll start with the characters, I know I do say in the cons that the routes prior to the main route is a grind however the characters have so much time to develop that appear in the main route and its honestly really well done. Despite saying this I feel like most of the development does happen in the main route anyway hence its in the con. The music was so good, like repetitive but good, I feel like there should have been more diversity considering the length of this VN. The artstyle is pretty good as well but not anything memorable as much as the eyes are anyway. *shivers* The story is the best part of it all of course, I spent the first 60-80 hours wondering how this VN was going to be sad and how it was getting so much praise but when the time came I was just blown away. It really is an amazing and a touching story, its one that has had a great impact and will stay with me.
The Bad
The goddamn eyes. Out of the 100 hours I've played... I never got used to the eyes. The grind of the first 60-70 hours is a bit of a pain because a big chunk of the routes really didn't get to me and I don't mean because it was sad and didn't make me cry; but some of them were happy but I didn't care. I remember talking about the game and saying how I didn't understand "the feels" of it and don't get me wrong I did cry at some of them and a few of them did make me smile but if you really aren't interested it will be a long time until you get the the "good stuff." Also, the light orb thing... It was okay but I don't think it was necessary, I feel like it could have had the same effect with something like "love" or whatever bullshit like that.
Reward Plan
1. Clannad
Trying out a new plan for adding new games to my backlog.
By doing this I will "restrict" my spending habits and tackling my backlog will seem more do-able than it is now with my quickly growing backlog (close to 700 games D:) I will keep a ratio of playing 5 games:purchase 1 game which will eventually decrease my backlog in a faster manner than what I'm doing now...
However, due to 2 bundle purchases and a bit of trading I decided to make it 10 this time!
I can play any length of game and it will contribute to the reward list. Console games do not count towards my list therefore I can purchase games on console without restriction. I can bank my reward purchases. For example, saving multiple purchases for the summer sale. I can purchase expansions or DLC alongside a purchase or an existing game in my library. I can trade for a game or buy bundles and will not count towards a purchase as these would a one time offer.
Bank of Cirilla 378 games
Batman: The Enemy Within ❤❤❤❤❤
Bank of Cirilla | 29/03/2018
13 hour of playtime, 30 of 30 achievements
The Good
This seasons story was amazing, one of the best telltale stories to date, set itself up for another season and I'm excited for it! The depiction of the Joker is extremely good and his story and the overall story is just very well done. I really cannot fault this story unlike the first one with a few little nit picks. Honestly fantastic. Music was pretty good but unnoticed most of the time. Voice acting was superb, I don't think there was one character I didn't like the voice of. Gameplay was standard telltale, not much to say here but I did really like what they have changed with the battle system. They didn't change much but it had an impact which adds a little to the cutscenes.
The Bad
Honestly... Nothing.
Another great telltale game. With this and Guardians that I recently played... Telltale is getting back its name for fantastic episodic games, I feel like I lost hope with hearing bad reviews on the newest installment of The Walking Dead but they really have shined, especially with this Batman. I cannot wait for the next game and others to come. The boys are back in town! :3
The Good
Surprisingly good story, I really wasn't expecting it. If you are into story driven games and have a couple hours to spare then play this! Artstyle was nice but nothing amazing. Gameplay was pretty standard and easy.
The Bad
Very short but I'm not bothered about that. Just word of warning. I'm going to put this in the bad because it isn't exactly a pro but its a mobile port, a good one but a mobile port. There is a lot of backtracking in the end so if you are just playing it for the gameplay(why?) or want the 100% then prepare for a good few minutes of clicking and waiting.
Really not much to say about this game really, its rather short and sweet really. It satisfied my story loving side but not much else. Nice time killer and easy 100% and not much else haha!
Bank of Cirilla | -
3.0 hour of playtime, 12 of 41 achievements
The Good
Graphics are outstanding, literally one of the best looking anime games I've seen.
The Bad
Well, the gameplay is alright but very clunky. Like annoyingly clunky especially on the horse... I really want to play games like this (Dynasty Warriors, Fire Emblem etc) and this seemed like a good place to start... Boy was I wrong, its just not good. I don't know what else to say. The game is like watching an anime and that in itself is not a bad thing at all but it feels so detached from the game itself, it just does not flow well. Quantum Break does a fantastic job of something like this where it combines an episodic story through video with the game itself. Arslan just feels like I am literally playing a game and watching an anime when it should be I am playing a game based on an anime... If that makes any sense...
I stopped playing this, it is very short so I probably could have finished it but... I couldnt' get into the story and the gameplay was a chore. This hasn't happened in a long time where I have marked a game as won't play. I'm really disappointed and upset since I was pretty hyped to play this. Its just not the game I wanted or expected.
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward! (I hope I can make this last) (so I bought two bundles so its 10 for now... oops...)
1 - Event [0]
2 - Stories Untold
3 - Batman™: Arkham VR
4 - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
5 - Life is Strange: Before the Storm
6 - Final Fantasy X
7 - Last Day of June
8 - 200% Mixed Juice
9 - The Silent Age
10 - Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series
10/10 = Purchase a Game [Completed - Game purchase and post incoming!]
Won on SteamGifts 134 games
The Good
There is no good.
The Bad
I spent hours trying to get the cards to get achievements. I also used an ability 8 times and it missed 8 times, literally Ally had to do it and it worked first try.
Do not play this if you are an unlucky person.
Idle - 0 hours/ Playtime - 19 hours > Average Playtime - 6 Hours [APPRECIATED and NOT RUSHED - but fuck this game]
Bank of Cirilla
378 games
The Good
The graphics are very stylish and unique, the paint brush effect is very cute and I took some very nice screenshots because of it! The story was very sad and was a little bit predictable however there was a "supernatural" twist to it which was interesting, don't avoid this because you think it is going to be a simple love story (well it is but its a little more than that.) Music was good but forgettable.
The Bad
MiniTaurus commented on one of my screenshots and referred to it as "creeply adorable" and man was he not lying, its the perfect description of the character designs, THEY NEED EYES. Definitely more on the creepy side. Voice acting was very weird, I wasn't a fan. Backtracking was very annoying, you play as 4 characters throughout and you switch between them and many if not all of the puzzles (also collectibles) need you to switch to other characters as they can do certain things e.g. a child can go through the fence when it is locked. Its very annoying as its not easy to just switch to another character.
I would recommend this game but it is not the best game I've ever played. I don't know if I'm dried out from FFX but I didn't actually cry at this game when I "should have" and I don't know if its just not FF standard or its just not very emotionally gripping.
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward! (I hope I can make this last) (so I bought two bundles so its 10 for now... oops...)
1 - Event [0]
2 - Stories Untold
3 - Batman™: Arkham VR
4 - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
5 - Life is Strange: Before the Storm
6 - Final Fantasy X
7 - Last Day of June
8 - 200% Mixed Juice
10/10 = Purchase a Game [In Progress - 2 more to go!]
Bank of Cirilla 378 games
The Good
The graphics are very stylish and unique, the paint brush effect is very cute and I took some very nice screenshots because of it! The story was very sad and was a little bit predictable however there was a "supernatural" twist to it which was interesting, don't avoid this because you think it is going to be a simple love story (well it is but its a little more than that.) Music was good but forgettable.
The Bad
MiniTaurus commented on one of my screenshots and referred to it as "creeply adorable" and man was he not lying, its the perfect description of the character designs, THEY NEED EYES. Definitely more on the creepy side. Voice acting was very weird, I wasn't a fan. Backtracking was very annoying, you play as 4 characters throughout and you switch between them and many if not all of the puzzles (also collectibles) need you to switch to other characters as they can do certain things e.g. a child can go through the fence when it is locked. Its very annoying as its not easy to just switch to another character.
I would recommend this game but it is not the best game I've ever played. I don't know if I'm dried out from FFX but I didn't actually cry at this game when I "should have" and I don't know if its just not FF standard or its just not very emotionally gripping.
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward! (I hope I can make this last) (so I bought two bundles so its 10 for now... oops...)
1 - Event [0]
2 - Stories Untold
3 - Batman™: Arkham VR
4 - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
5 - Life is Strange: Before the Storm
6 - Final Fantasy X
7 - Last Day of June
8 - 200% Mixed Juice
10/10 = Purchase a Game [In Progress - 2 more to go!]
Won on SteamGifts 134 games
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster ❤❤❤❤❤
Bank of Cirila | 02/03/2018
79 hour of playtime, 20 of 69 achievements
The Good
The story was one of my favourite stories in a game ever, it had such a good mix of action, stress, romance, hatred, excitement etc! Honestly, I cannot fault this story, it was flawless to me really, I have not much else to say about it really. Characters again were excellent with Tidus and Yuna being one of the most fleshed out characters I've ever witnessed in a game, independently they are amazing in different way and together there is this amazing friendship and love interest that just makes my heart melt. They both feel like your two best friends finally getting together and you are standing in the sidelines doing some fist pumps and giggles at them. Combat was pretty good, I've never been a fan of turn based games but I've been more open to it and I feel like it did it really well with all of the skills, magic and individual character abilities for all the types of enemies in the game. I really liked the concept of the sphere grid but more of that in the con section... Music was outstanding, each piece I heard stood out and emotionally stayed with me, not many games do that really. Voice acting was stellar really, with a few hiccups here and there... Okay I can't wait to say it, I hate Tidus's voice acting but more specifically his famous laugh scene is awful. Graphically it looks amazing and especially in some of the major cutscenes that are more cinematic however sometimes they looked worse.
The Bad
Right, I am going to repeat myself one more time.. Tidus pls no stahp. The story did feel a little "slow" (I don't know how to explain it properly but it wasn't slow but sort of hanging in the middle) and it did put me off it a little especially when I was dropping in and out of the game when I could. It definitely needed to take its time though so I can't really say it was a con.. Maybe if you got fast travel quicker it might have been better. The sphere grid was a very cool and unique leveling system but for me it just wasn't executed very well, I think a lot of my characters were more leveled than others and I did end up doing cool things with them like making Yuna this crazy powerful mage that did level 4 magic with double casting while healing etc. I just think its just too overwhelming and I wish you had some sort of idea of where each of them stood with a more solid level number. I do really like how much you can customize each character though with teleport, friend and black magic spheres.
This was my very first Final Fantasy and man it was a good one, its definitely one of my favourite games so far. This is a story that I will definitely replay in the future but for now I'm leaving it in my heart and will shortly get around to playing X-2 which is exciting (despite people saying its awful) but I really want to wrap up the story! I also want to clean up a few achievements and play Blitzball which I embarrassingly put off despite its praise. I have not only made progress on my wins but I have also made progress on "Games I NEED to play" which is awesome (if you have any recommendations to add to it then do say, its basically games I haven't played that are top rated and popular basically.)
Idle - 0 hours/ Playtime - 79 hours > Average Playtime - 43 Hours [APPRECIATED and NOT RUSHED]
Reward Progress
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward! (I hope I can make this last) (so I bought two bundles so its 10 for now... oops...)
1 - Event [0]
2 - Stories Untold
3 - Batman™: Arkham VR
4 - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
5 - Life is Strange: Before the Storm
6 - Final Fantasy X
10/10 = Purchase a Game [In Progress - 4 more to go!]
Bank of Cirilla 358 games
Life is Strange: Before the Storm ❤❤❤❤♡
Bank of Cirila | 24/02/2018
9.4 hour of playtime, 34 of 34 achievements
The Good
Graphically it kept its style its known for and I'm glad they didn't change it, not much to say on that factor. I think the voice actor changed but honestly I didn't notice and maybe I'm ignorant or they did a fantastic job, either way voice acting was to the same standard of the previous installment. Music was incredible, there was a moment in the end of episode 2 and this song played and I instantly recognized it as Daughter and now I want to listen to all of their songs! I did know of and enjoyed listening to the specific song I mentioned before playing a lot and I was pleasantly surprised to hear it again! :3 Story was very very good, I don't understand people when they say the writing was awful... Like I feel you have to take this game with a pinch of salt, its about teenagers and their exaggerated issues (albeit LiS does touch upon very serious subjects but overall it is about two girls falling in love over a school term.) I loved the dialog, the laughable phrases have you rolling your eyes and there was a few punches the devs threw at themselves with the "hella cool" (no seriously look in the settings "hella high quality." There are so many nods to the previous game and I really liked that, just exploring some of the environments and seeing things that will happen 3 years later or things that I walked past and didn't look twice at but smiled at in this game was amazing. Characters were strong and I refell in love with Chloe as her character was just so fleshed out, I appreciate her but at the same time get frustrated at her teenage rebelling attitude, Rachel was great and honestly those last few cutscenes of episode had me sitting there in awe with my fist to my chest with doe eyes and a growing love for her. Man I wish it was longer than 3 episodes....
The Bad
... That brings me onto the first con, it was just too damn short! They could have done so much more to the story I think! I felt that I could have learnt more about certain important characters and some questions are just left unanswered. I disliked the ability to argue with Chloe where you entered a choice dialogue and had to pick up on words or phrases to create a good "comeback" but I feel like it was a good idea that was poorly executed. Sometimes I clicked a choice and it just was not what I thought it would say, I feel there should have been preview phrases with a longer time limit as it would be clearer to the player and I bet a few non-native english speakers would struggle a lot with it. There was no v-sync so I suffered from a lot of screen tearing which really shouldn't happen in 2018, it was a small issue that I put up with but shouldn't really have to. The ending seemed cut short, I believe I got the bad ending despite making the good choice... I got it because I did not get an item previously to use at the end of the 3rd episode, however I did read you can choose your words carefully and still get it so maybe I need to learn to be more convincing xD
My bar was set very low for this game as I was expecting the worst as making a prequel is actually a very difficult thing to do and pull off well. I feel like they stayed faithful enough to the first game yet adding another dynamic to the story which captivated me. Despite a few flaws I feel that the pros of this far outweigh the cons. One of my favourite parts of this was the little things like the graffiti tagging for collectibles (that suit Chloe's character so well) to the like 10 minute long table top game you can play with a few of the characters... It was just so much fun. Honestly, pick this up full price because it is worth it if you don't take it seriously. Its no Witcher where there are in depth story lines, intelligent dialogue and intense combat... This is Life is Strange where you draw weed symbols, get tattoo and stay hella lit with your blue hair! 4/5 stars!
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward! (I hope I can make this last) (so I bought two bundles so its 10 for now... oops...)
1 - Event [0]
2 - Stories Untold
3 - Batman™: Arkham VR
4 - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
5 - Life is Strange: Before the Storm
5/5 = Purchase a Game [In Progress]
Bank of Cirilla 358 games
So, I have been working on some smaller games to break up the larger ones I've got going on, plus I've been wanting to try out my new VR games <3
The Good
Very nice looking with the whole visuals throughout, it never got boring in terms of that. I liked the retro feel to it over all and the graphics topped it all off! I like the way they used the text adventure game as it really added to the retro feel and the story itself. The soundtrack was limited but very good indeed, I just kept thinking of Stranger Things though haha! Voice acting was surprisingly good, I definitely wasn't expecting it to be that well done never mind having it voice acted at all. Story overall was great, I can't say more than that as it would just spoil it. I was a bit unsure about the ending as it seemed like a cop out but the more I thought about the other episodes the more I became accepting of it.
The Bad
Honestly, there isn't much to say. I feel like it was very short but I can't see it being any longer. The ending like I said above was lacking but made sense overall with the interlinking episodes. One thing that pissed me off to all ends was the bright strobe light, I honestly think there should be a warning at the start for flashing lights. It gave me a slight headache.
Wow, just what a game, I got this in the monthly and I'm so glad I played this. To be honest, I see it has a game I was curious about and was an easy 100% but... wow it was truly a memorable game! I would give it a 4.5 but I thought that I'd round it up cause I'm feeling good! I highly recommend that everyone plays it. Gameplay is lacking but they surprised me with how much game play there actually was. I also heard that the devs are working on more :O
The Good
In terms of VR this is one of the first AAA games with stunning graphics. Voice acting was amazing although limited. I liked the little gameplay there was, some detective puzzles, mini games etc. There are some achievements to get still and once you beat it once there are Riddler challenges to do!
The Bad
Well, like a lot of VR games its "not worth the money" and a lot of people refund it because it can be beaten within the 2 hour period. I feel this is morally wrong but whatever. I did not idle this and there is probably another hour or 2 left to do things but there is no "replay value." It is more of a demo than anything but its a bloody good demo that I got on 50%. People say it is more of an experience than anything and I would agree but I don't say it as a bad thing. Pacing is a little slow but picks up near the end. I rather enjoyed the end and Ally had a good chuckle at me jumping as there were a few intense scenes!
Well, this "demo" is a rather good "demo" and I would recommend it if you have the cash and of course a VR headset but its not the best out there. There are a lot of games in this price range that will give more hours to your buck if thats what you are after. However, if you like taking your time to explore, you enjoy the batman world or just want a fun little game to keep you busy for a few hours then I recommend this. Its not for everyone but I definitely enjoyed it!
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality ❤❤❤❤♡
Bank of Cirila | 18/02/2018
4.4 hour of playtime, 11 of 18 achievements
The Good
Very funny of course if that is your sort of humour. Graphically goes hand in hand with the cartoon, not much to say there. Gameplay is repetitive but fun as there is a lot of stuff to do. It lets you explore and find easter eggs etc without feeling forced to follow along with the pacing. Puzzles are alright, mini games were very fun (I got the 100 kills in the shooter achievement which was great.) They actually joke with you in the end about the devs being amazing for adding replayability which was hilarious along with the comics about VR being a gimmick and a flop! Story was typical Rick and Morty so it was just fun and hilarious. It was cool to experience it in VR really. They got some of the actors to voice the characters which was great, sometimes I would just stand there and let the dialog dry up as I enjoyed the lines they had!
The Bad
Well... I guess I have to say this again but its a short game. Although if you rush it it can be under the refund time and if you take your time to find everything you can be 5 hours and I'm not even finished with collectibles and mini games. I will say that I wish there were more characters involved and more of the world to explore but I was okay with what there was. There wasn't much of a tutorial so I actually didn't know how to answer calls on my "apple watch" type thing until a few minutes in when I accidentally figured it out.
If you are a fan of the show then this is a VR game to buy! I had a lot of fun and will definitely go back to play it again to 100%. Sure its not a game to replay but honestly I'm fine with that along with all the non-replayable non-VR games that I own and have played. Its a lot of fun to be had in an afternoon and most of the time I really don't enjoy playing VR for long periods of time, especially standing as my back and lil feet get sore. Anyway, I recommend it!
Reward Progress
Finish 5 games then purchase a game as a reward! (I hope I can make this last)
1 - Event [0]
2 - Stories Untold
3 - Batman™: Arkham VR
4 - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
5/5 = Purchase a Game [In Progress]
Bank of Cirilla 358 games
I've been busy-ish lately. I don't know where the day goes most days now. I've been trying to play everything here and there and I'm making progress but very slowly. I suppose its not as an explosive new year in terms of gaming for me! Honestly, god knows how some people can finish massive games with 100s of hours, they must not be at school or have a job, its crazy xD I feel like once I finish CLANNAD, Final Fantasy X and Divinity: Original Sin 2 I will be able to play a lot of other smaller games with my full, undivided attention ^^
Plague Inc Evloved ❤❤❤❤♡
Bank of Cirila | 05/02/2018
100.8 hour of playtime, 170 of 183 achievements
The Good
Brilliant strategy game where you have a unique concept of infecting the world. Your pathogen infects 'Patient Zero' and you have various tools to gain abilities and infect to eradicate the world before they cure you. There are many types of pathogen to choose from which can aid or hinder you. There are countless scenarios such as the "Mad Cow Disease" that can spice up the game for you! You can name the pathogen which can bring humour to your game like infecting the world with "SteamGifts, Women, Trump etc" there have been some amazing names I've seen out there haha! UI is very nice and easy to learn.
The Bad
Before I get onto a rant...
I will say that there are some faults in this game, like many, but they are nothing in comparison to the achievements.As you can see I'm sitting on 93% and I could work on a few of the shuffle achievements and raise that higher but I installed it, I rage quit. SO many of the achievements are based on RNG of events that pop up so for example: "The festival of love is in Germany" therefore I would push for infecting through saliva etc. Also you need to wait for new reports to trigger these achievement events, the one that made me give up was an event based on "Planet of the Apes" and recreating the events of the film. To this day nobody knows the requirements for this achievement and despite getting the pop up of recreating Planet of the Apes and winning... The achievement did not show.
Rip... I ranted...
This game has taken hours of my time and many nights of pulling my hair out. Its such a good game but for someone wanting to complete it its just too much RNG and skill to do it. I will stand by my 4 out of 5 stars as my case is the minority and most people will just casual pick this up and play. Its perfect for short periods of play and there is nothing wrong with that and its why it was so successful on mobile. However, I feel they should be more transparent with the requirements of the achievements and maybe one day I will know them and come back to finish off what I started. For now I will take the 93% and accept defeat.
The Good
Very interesting story, you are on a space ship along with an on board AI who has... Well seen a lot of stuff lets just say! The interaction with the AI was very well done, you would be surprised on how capable it is to form a conversation. Beautiful graphics, very well done really. Music was fitting at times and there is one song in particular that just stands out and is played throughout. Lovely female vocal and I'd honestly listen to it in a playlist!
The Bad
There is a moment where you have to trigger an event in the bedroom and its very frustrating to get the event to trigger. I felt like I had to ask the right thing otherwise it would loop the conversation. I feel that they could have given a better movement system. You start off by moving forward with left mouse and back with right mouse. I changed it but it was still annoying when you wanted to move but were clicked onto the terminal typing "w"
A very nice game that I highly recommend that you guys play! I believe I got it in the monthly. My game time is not right as I idled it for a good 4 and a bit hours and had issues with triggering events... Anyway, I'd give it a solid 3 out of 5 stars!
Bank of Cirilla 358 games
![Leaving Lyndow](
Thank you Mskotor for the layout help! I hope I haven’t messed anything up ^^
100+ perfect games achieved!
Favourite 100%s:
Goat Sim - Was a surprisingly fun game alongside being one of my hardest and grindy-est 100%s
LA Noire - I loved that game so much that I had to go through the torture of writing down all the cars I entered and getting them all for the Auto Fanatic. Surprisingly I do not detest the game after that xD
Steins;Gate - What a fantastic story and I’m glad I got every route because I appreciate the story that I didn’t think I would enjoy. I didn’t like the anime but the VN changed my mind and made me want to watch the anime with more of an open mind.
I wished my 100th would be The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt which was a win but I don’t want to rush it. I’m going to replay the series so I appreciate the story more. Sadly it will have to wait. Samorost 3 was my 100th along with Guardians of the Galaxy to break that to 101! <3
Bank of Cirilla 359 games
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
This was one of my favourite Telltale games to date. I would probably say Borderlands then this game. It had the same vibes and it was very well done. Story was great being full of happy, sad and funny moments - I cried so many times in the last episode… Graphics were different to the telltale norm but I loved it, Star Lord looked very weird to me considering I’m used to Pratt but I warmed to his new image. Gameplay was standard telltale gameplay. Music was just out of this world and I’m glad they had the ability to get that soundtrack!
939 | games (+1 not categorized yet) |
54% | never played |
14% | unfinished |
16% | beaten |
13% | completed |
2% | won't play |
- Bank of Cirilla 376
- Won on SteamGifts 136
- Wins in a Series 40
- Gifts 96
- Games I NEED to Play 57