fernandopa’s profile

January 2025

New month, new year, new house, new country! Managed to beat some beefy wins, and I’m ready for some new ones as well :)

SG Wins

Gone Home

6.5 hours, 1 of 10 achievements


30.5 hours, 46 of 49 achievements

NAIRI: Tower of Shirin

4.2 hours, 20 of 20 achievements



3.0 hours, no achievements

SG Wins

  • We Were Here Together
  • Soul Axiom Rebooted
  • Metal Unit
  • Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Keys received as a gift

  • Crime Boss: Rockay City
  • Moonstone Island
  • Vampire Therapist




  • Burntime Remastered
  • Dark Lord
  • InKing
  • Balantica
  • The Last Train

Jan 2025

4% (8/221)
16% (36/221)
2% (4/221)
74% (163/221)
5% (10/221)

Dec 2024

3% (7/216)
16% (34/216)
2% (4/216)
75% (161/216)
5% (10/216)

Nov 2024

3% (7/214)
15% (33/214)
2% (4/214)
75% (160/214)
5% (10/214)

Oct 2024

3% (6/201)
15% (31/201)
2% (4/201)
75% (150/201)
5% (10/201)

Sep 2024

3% (6/201)
14% (29/201)
2% (5/201)
75% (151/201)
5% (10/201)

January Assassination #4

4.2 hours

My Steam Review - Consider leaving a thumbs up, it means a lot to me :)

Hmmmm, I was really over the fence about giving it a thumbs up or down, but then the last stretch of the game cemented the thumbs down for me.

Overall, Nairi is a game that is not terrible, but it'so so lackluster. A cross between a visual novel and a point-and-click adventure games, it has all the elements that makes a point-and-click game bad (tedious and unclear navigation, pixel hunting, slow dialogue) and none of what makes it good (charming animations, creative puzzles, witty lines). It's artstyle is not bad, but it's so static that it never rises beyond mediocre. It tries to pack a lot of lore, but the pacing is so off that you just don't care about the characters, and you can barely follow the plot. The puzzles are laughably easy for 90% of the game, and then in the last stretch, go completely off the difficulty rails and become arcane and obscure to solve.

I guess Nairi is a game that was made by clearly passionate people, but that lacked enough playtesting and polish on its systems. You can feel the passion and the drive from the creators, but they just missed the mark and made a game that is, at the best times, boring, and at the worst times, grating. The difficulty spike and the sudden ending (which killed the pacing) are the factors that ultimately made it from a weak recommendation to a soft "avoid-it" instead.

Also, what is the deal with the furries? I didn't detract points because of that, but man, that stuff is so weird and unnecessary on the grand scheme of things.

You have limited time in your life and there are many games that do everything that Nairi does, but much better. Go play one of them instead.

January Assassination #3

24.5 hours

Steam Review - Consider liking it - it means a lot to me :)

Grindstone is a completely underrated gem. It has one of the best animations I've seen in a 2D game yet, with a distinctive artstyle that is so fluid and fresh. It's like watching Cartoon Network's golden age shows non-stop, and characters ooze personality and emotion on their reactions and expressions. The sound is crunchy and the gameplay is snappy, and even after dozens of hours with the game, it never ceases to be satisfying to chain a massive combo, seeing your enemies cower in fear, you smush through them with a ravenous hunger, and the crowd cheering your gratuitous display of violence (in particular once you pardon a slob and the kids cheer you on haahahah).

There's a semblance of a story going on, but it doesn't matter - the gameplay here is what carries everything else. It's an easy-to-pick, hard-to-master kind of game where situational awareness and gear loadout help you, but won't save you from a bad scenario, and you constantly need to balance creating props that allow you to combo (such as grindstones or enemy guts and drops) vs. making quick work at a level. There's such a massive amount of content here, from levels to worlds to side-dungeons to daily and weekly quests to 200 levels in the main path, it's wild. I was afraid of starting the game because I thought it would be too much, but now I see myself playing almost 2h every day just because it is that fun.

Seriously, this game is criminally underrated and underappreciated. For me it's on par with indie darlings such as Slay The Spire, Stardew Valley, and Hades. Buy it, play it, GRIND IT!

January Assassination #2

6.5 hours

Steam Review - Consider liking it - it means a lot to me :)

Kind of …. meh. I tend to enjoy walking simulators, but I guess I prefer the ones where you don't feel completely alone. Such as Firewatch, where you always have a buddy talking to you and the world is open and expansive. Or Tacoma, where you're always surrounded by other characters. Gone Home reminded me more of Rachel Foster, which is kind of … not my favorite at all. The ambient is a bit oppressive, which I don't fully appreciate, and the game didn't run so well on my system, which surprises me given I can play RDR2 and The Last of Us remaster without an issue. Movement is quite sluggish.

It's a weak recommendation because of what it represents in the development of walking sims, but definitely not my favorite at it.

January Assassination #1

3.0 hours
Played on itch.io

Metroidvania is probably my favorite genre, like ever, and I decided to kick off my backlog this year with all the Metroidvanias I've been sitting on while I wait for my January PAGYWOSG submissions to be approved.

Well, since Ghost 1.0 was on the list, and Mini Ghost exists, I figured this could be a good way to kill a day or two before being able to play my PAGYWOSG games.

While Mini Ghost was … fine … for most of its runtime, it has some poor design choices that are just too frustrating to cope with. In trying to emulate old games (in this case, from the MSX-era), the designer forgot he could keep the aesthetic but improve the gameplay. So yeah …. good luck spending half of your playtime exploring the world, and the other half running through the same screens again because you died in a boss and the only way of reaching it again is traversing the same old path you've been on since the beginning of the game. You don't want to provide good movement or defensive options? Fine, just don't flood my screen with unavoidable bullets, or enemies that stun-lock you in corners/in the air, above lava and with no mid-air control. Don't want to provide fast-track to a boss? Fine, just don't make a tortuous path that is three times as long as it needs to be and force me to navigate it.

It was a thumbs-up for 80% of my playtime, but the other 20% are so bad, so poor that I can't find myeslf recommending this game. Let's see if Ghost 1.0 delivers, although at this point I might just take it off my backlog and leave it in the pile of shame for some day.

December Assassination #10 - Now it's for real!

8.7 hours

Steam Review. Consider liking it - it means a lot to me :)

Tacoma was a wild experience - one of my favorite walking simulator so far, maybe second only to Firewatch. The detective kind of work involving rewinding and fast-forwarding recorded events is a lot of fun, the station is super beautiful and fun to explore, and there are decent puzzles involving physical objects and non-obvious connections and passwords. If we're being honest, all the puzzles are easy, but they are still fun to pursue.

I enjoyed my time in the station and wouldn't mind spending more time at such a gorgeous environment and with a great time-manipulation mechanic that should be more common in other games. And now, Happy 2025 folks!

December Assassination #9 - I spoke too soon!

1.5 hours

Full Review on Steam. Consider liking it - it means a lot to me :)

South Scrimshaw - Part One is less of a game and more of an interactive piece of media. It is a linear story told with superb narration and beautiful drawings and paintings. Plot-wise, it follows the early lifecycle stages of a fictional Brillo whale on a fictional planet, as being recorded by a documentary crew. It is fully devoted to that idea, and sells it remarkably well.

While somewhat short, it's entertaining during all of it's runtime, and for free, there's no reason to not check it out. I can't wait to see/play/read the next chapters, hopefully in less than 20 years. It's also an easy 100% if you care about that kind of stuff. I don't, usually try to avoid it, but this time it came before I realized 🤷‍♀️

December Assassination #8 - that's a 2024 wrap!

21.6 hours

Full Review on Steam with more details - I'll keep it short here. Consider liking it - it means a lot to me :)

If I wanted to be precise, I'd say Going Under is a 3D action roguelike with a heavy focus on combat. But since we're all friends here, I can just say Going Under is a lot of fun.

It's a light-hearted, funny, beautifully stylized and awesome-sounding game that makes funs of modern workplaces while being a cohesive roguelike. Runs are short, ranging from 5-25 minutes (5 if you die, 25min usually if you move really slowly and thoroughly). Dying is never a big deal, and you're almost always making progress at something.

There is a story, it's not terrible but it's kind of predictable and not the star of the show. The dialogue is really good thou in the micro-level, i.e. when characters are interacting with each other. By the end of my playthrough, I really cherished the time I spent at Fizzle with my co-workers.

Gameplay-wise, it's a bit of a mess. One-on-one combat is good enough, with good dodge rolls and lots of different weapons to utilize against your foes. Bosses can be a lot of fun when you got it under control (except for Hover Hands). The problem is that you rarely got it under control, and some rooms have so many enemies and effects around you that you'll be forced to take some (or a lot of) damage to clear it, potentially hurting your run in the long-term. Not a big problem, but it's a game that relies more on RNG than on your skills to determine whether you'll breeze through a boss or barely make it through floor one.

Overall, this is a terrific first game for Aggro Crab, full of humor, character, good fun, good graphics, good music, and a decent combat and progression system. While not perfect, I can't wait to play more of their games!

PS - yeah, could not keep it short. Sorry!! 🤷‍♂️

December 2024

TL;DR, a good gaming month. I was able to clear a lot of small games on my backlog earlier in the month, including both SG Wins and others. The second half was a bit harder, with me moving countries and visiting the family for holidays, but I still managed to clock a decent number of hours into new and old backlogged games.

Beaten Games

SG Wins


7.6 hours, 8 of 8 achievements

Radio Commander

11.8 hours, 18 of 49 achievements



0.8 hours, no achievements


8.9 hours, 16 of 23 achievements


6.1 hours, 2 of 14 achievements

Sheepy: A Short Adventure

1.4 hours, 17 of 30 achievements

Vampire Survivors

21.1 hours, 121 of 220 achievements

Going Under

21.6 hours, 17 of 23 achievements

South Scrimshaw Part One

1.5 hours, 2 of 2 achievements


8.7 hours, 8 of 12 achievements

New Games

SG Wins

  • Black The Fall
  • Inkulinati
  • Steelrising
  • Garden Story

Keys received as a gift

  • Dome Keeper
  • Station to Station
  • Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard


  • Deathtrap Dungeon Trilogy
  • Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Adventure
  • Time on Frog Island
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


  • Juice Galaxy
  • Pankapu
  • Stacks:Space!
  • Stacks:Jungle!
  • Ord.
  • Distant Space 2
  • Super No Crying in Baseball

Progress on SG Wins


3% (7/216)
16% (34/216)
2% (4/216)
75% (161/216)
5% (10/216)


3% (7/214)
15% (33/214)
2% (4/214)
75% (160/214)
5% (10/214)


3% (6/201)
15% (31/201)
2% (4/201)
75% (150/201)
5% (10/201)


3% (6/201)
14% (29/201)
2% (5/201)
75% (151/201)
5% (10/201)

December Assassination #7

21.1 hours
Played on Epic

This is wild. I got Vampire Survivors on Epic a week ago, and I've already sunk over 21 hours on it. It's so addictive. Now I understand why people like it so much.

While I haven't completed the game, I've played it enough to consider it at least Beaten (I marked it as Beaten when I defeated the Reaper for the first time). Recently unlocked Darkanas. It feels like each run opens three or four new goals. I can anticipate leaving this game installed for a really long time, playing 30 or 40 minutes every now and then.