  • Algotica Iterations

    68 minutes playtime

    7 of 7 achievements

  • Gunpowder

    17 hours playtime

    30 of 30 achievements

Report #230: Algotica Iterations and Gunpowder

Two games where brain is necessary

Few days after finishing my Batch #19 I already finished two games.

Algotica is a very small game, took me right around an hour and is all about solving a problem systematically. With a very small set of instructions, similar to Assembler. You need to guide a robot to the final button. You can move him forward/backward, turn left and right, jump or activate a switch. All in all nicely done. It just lacks content. But that is not a big problem, during sale it is right around 1€ to purchase

Gunpowder took a little bit more effort. Originally a tablet/mobile game. Your goal is to blow up the safe with the money. All you have are some Kegs, Gunpowder and sometimes additional objects like stones, hay stacks, camp fire, TNT, ...
I had fun with it, the levels are not too complicated and it is easy to get remaining achievements after finishing it. Linux user be aware. Level 2-20 is bugged and you cannot 100% it without that level. Heck, you cannot even skip it, because before you have the skip button, the game crashes. I installed the wine/steamplay edition, copied the savegames to the correct location and finished it with the emulation. Worked perfectly fine.