  • Unheard

    8 hours hours playtime

    12 of 12 achievements

Report #287: Unheard

Bought this a couple of sales ago. Caught the eye, because it has the puzzle tag.
Game focuses on audio. You have to solve 5 crimes (+DLC) and all you have is a blueprint map and you can walk to every room. Hearing conversations you have to match the names to each character and answer 1-3 question. Like “who is the murder”, “who has item x”, etc.
You can scroll through the timeline as you like and you even have to, as a lot of conversation happen in parallel.


This game was totally Unheard of for me! (xDD sorry for bad joke). Anyway, I checked it out after reading you and I just put it in wishlist, seems like a really cool game for the price, with very nice reviews.