
Got some assassinating done!

  • klocki

    2 hours playtime

    1 of 1 achievements

  • The Hidden Dragon
    The Hidden Dragon

    86 minutes playtime

    no achievements

  • Zenge

    3 hours playtime

    1 of 1 achievements

Finished klolcki and zenge which also nets me two completed games as well. Relaxing and enjoyable puzzle games with a bit of challenge but not too much.

The Hidden Dragon was pretty “meh.” It’s three areas further divided into three sections with 8 “levels” each. Just hidden object scenes with the slightest bit of story. Nothing even happens when you finish all the levels. But at least it’s also a SG win taken care of too.

While organizing my games here, I have found some games I considered “completed” now have achievements. Namely, Mountain and Hocus. So I will (hopefully) be working on those. We’ll see what else I can find the time for as the days go by.


I got Hidden Dragon from friend as a joke I think? As I’m mighty dragon as well?

And when I played in it I heard “You actually played in it? :D” xD

This game is not terribly bad, but it’s not good either. I’m too used to AM HOGs where you have whole story to discover. So game where you have to find the same objects in different positions on slightly different maps is not quite enjoyable xD

And congrats :D As it must be still hard to find time to play for you.


I have found some games I considered “completed” now have achievements.

I hate when that happens (especially in an SG win)…especially when I have no desire to return to the game. It makes it look like I just idled the game.