
Chimera Squad over!

Welp I knew I loved XCom games, chimera squad was no different. Bought it on friday, finished it on sunday. The only thing remaining is hunting for achievements. At least it didn’t stay in the backlog for long.

The pros:

  • The breach mechanism is a nice addition
  • Each character (be it humans or aliens) has unique skills allowing you to test different play styles.
  • Linked to that, the training mechanism (and scar healing) forces you to play different strategy (and not just “I’ll replace sniper A with sniper B for the time being”)
  • It’s an XCom game with more skill usage and less gunfight.
  • The duration is just right for the game (20hours). A bit longer and it’d start to get boring.

The meh

  • Opposing factions strength seems to vary quite widely (one of them being way harder than the two others)
  • Resources are quite unequal in utility (intel is used for everything interesting and you’re always short, cash is needed at the start and then overflowing at the end and elirium is abundant enough that you’re never found lacking)
  • The technology system feels a bit underwhelming (you unlock plenty of items that you will never use/buy)

The cons

  • The plot is mediocre at best (then again, it’s not really the main point of the game)
  • The Aliens personality is a missed opportunity, they’re just classic archetypes with a different skin.
Arbiter Libera

So you would say its lower price is justified?


Definitely. On sale (for 10€) if you liked XCom2, it was a fairly good deal. For 20€ I’m not sure. I’ve done the game twice now (to try every agent) in 32h and I might do it a 3rd time in impossible for the challenge. But I don’t think it has much replay value after that.