

I’m back again.My second last post was about a new format for backlog challenge i was testing out.It didnt work like i intending, wasnt in the mood for those games.
So new attempt.I made a backlog category in my steam lib and a new channel in my discord called backlog challenge.you post a pic of the games you want entered and someone picks out a game for you.
So far working wel, got 3 games picked for me which i completed one of.

i joined this sites challenge me thing again, looking forwaRD to the games picked for me.




forgot to mention what games im trying to complete, silly me thats what this whole site is about no?

tale of two bothers This game is so pretty, i sometimes just look around me.I can only play this game in shorts burts as steering two brothers at the same time anoys me like hell.

forest harvest sim nice little game, again can only play in short bursts.

ken follet’s pillars of earth This game was actually gifted to me, i really wanted it cause i loved the book and tv series/movie.It did not disapooint.Currentley working trough my second playtrough cause you cant get all achievements in 1 playtrough.

stardew valley i love this game! its so freaking cute and fun! almost impossible to get 100% in.


Good luck luck with your current games. I’m glad you went back to stardew :ninja:



u have ruined her! its all she wants to play now!


wahahaha your fault!


How’s Pillars compared to the book? I read it a while ago while waiting for A Column of Fire, but it might be good to start the game as well, if it’s similar, since it’s still fresh in my mind.
And welcome back!


i really liked how to managed it, i can highly recommend. there are some chanches and things left out, but all and all very good.