
It’s 2020 and I found myself a new job. Let’s hope I’ll still have time to clean up the mess that is my backlog.

Report 20: Warm-up

    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

    11 hours playtime
    no achievements

    Okay, this one was considerably better than the first game. It still has a huge chunk of non-social-stealth levels, but they were infinitely more pleasant to play.
    Someone told me that it was even harder than the first one, but I didn’t think so at all. I’d say it was much easier even. I’ve literally never used a guide even once.
    I’ve beaten it pretty fast and never got stuck anywhere, so there’s no levels I particularly hated or loved. Okay, maybe the last two levels (St. Petersburg Revisited and Redemption At Gontranno) were pretty cool and Hidden Valley kinda sucked ass.
    Overall, it was a pleasant surprise.

    Stigmatized Property | 事故物件

    Stigmatized Property | 事故物件

    1 hour playtime

    It’s a small japanese indie horror game. Its’ VHS filter gets old pretty quickly, and if the game runs pretty bad on your rig, the effects can be nauseating and downright headache-inducing.
    The plot is just what you’d expect from a 30 minutes horror game, it’s fine, I guess. The whole gameplay is looking for things in point A to take to the things in point B. Once you’ve taken something, you must use it first before taking something else, which was somewhat confusing at the beginning.
    Not a fan of LOUD NOISE JUMPSCARE OOH DID I SCARE YA?, which is basically what the whole bad ending here was. It is said there is a lot of more subtle horror here and there, but I failed to notice it behind the unpleasant graphic design and gameplay, on my second playthrough I just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.
    It’s… somewhat interesting, but the VHS filter was a huge dealbreaker for me, and I’m reminded yet again that I like just a handful of horror games, even if I’m attracted to horror themes all the time.



    4 hours playtime

    It was a decent puzzle game, maybe a bit on the easy side, but still. It kinda feels it’s too short for its own good and could do so much more with its’ puzzle gimmick. Looks pretty though.
    I was really surprised when I found out it’s not a mobile port, since it felt like it. Actually, it would’ve been really good on mobile devices.

    Up Left Out

    Up Left Out

    2 hours playtime

    It’s an extremely simplistic puzzle game that’s really easy to grasp and not that challenging to finish. You can finish it in 1.5 hours or so. There’s not much to say about it, really.

Backlog progress status: h-ha-ha-ha

Arbiter Libera

Hitman 2: SA was basically when they figured out what they wanted Hitman to be while the first game was still experimenting with action-focused levels and such. You’ll see this further distilled in Blood Money if you haven’t played it yet.

Congratulations on your new job. ;)


Yeah, figured as much. Had to invent their formula yet and stuff.
I did play BM a whiiiiiiile ago, but I think I wasn’t in the right mindset (and age) to truly appreciate games like these. Honestly, catching up with all the older stuff I missed is a blast.
I’m planning to do Contracts first, even though it’s mostly a remake of the first two games’ levels (as I heard).