
I’m a bit late on this update, so I’ll get right to it.

So, I may have spent about three hours just building up settlements, and failed to notice that my recording software stopped somewhere between me wrapping up my building and taking off from Sanctuary to handle yet another issue for another settlement, which in turn meant that the time that I spent getting to Diamond City was not recorded, either. Because of this, we pick things back up out in the Commonwealth, on the way to the Corvega assembly plant to, you guessed it, kill raiders on behalf of a settlement. Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly, and I run afoul of some of the wasteland’s vicious fauna on the way.

I can’t let Minuteman business distract me from the biggest problem on my plate too much though, so it’s time to (hopefully) mount a rescue. Buuuuut, crawling around this place in the middle of the night seems like a terrible idea, and I thankfully stumbled upon Goodneighbor, the town that the detective’s assistant told me about. The… greeting at the door wasn’t the greatest, but if the place has a room with a bed, a door, four walls, and a ceiling, it’ll do for a night.

With morning light, I set out after the detective once more, finding that I was much closer to my destination during the night than I realized. I don’t regret choosing to bed down though– better to do this now than when I can’t see six inches in front of my face without a flashlight (which I don’t really want to use in this place– the last thing I need is to give away my location to every hostile with eyes).

The detective ended up being something quite… different from what I expected. But, Ellie seemed like good people, and Piper didn’t object to me going to see him when he Mayor pointed me his way, and damn it, he was the only friendly face I’ve seen in that place other than the dog, and I brought him with me. I also have no idea what Donna or whatever her name was saw in that Skinny Malone character….


Did lots of building that’s boring and no one wants to see, recording wasn’t on when I hit Diamond City, killed raiders and other stuff, hit Goodneighbor, and then went after Nick Valentine.

And I also screwed up the syntax on all the links. Fixed.


I didn’t know which game it was about until clicking a link ^^


Like Seemannsdämlack said. Although I knew it earlier, because I played it myself. But better mention the game somewhere in the post.
For my own posts, I always add a title with the game.
Apart from that feedback:

I should get playing Fallout 4 again. I quit it, after they broke my achievements when using mods. Was so frustrated. Currently I am hoping for a nice discount on the season pass to get another motivation for the game