
2023 Assassinations

This year I only completed 4 games, and 3 of them in December. Maybe 2024 will be much better in terms of completions or gaming hours.
I wanted to do a long “year in review” kind of post, but there’s really not much reviewing I can do. 2023 was busy, stressful, and tiring - hopefully 2024 will be better!

Does anyone have any New Year’s resolutions?
I have a few things that need to be done (such as finishing my master’s and finding a job), but those barely count as resolutions. I think the main thing I’d like in 2024 is to establish a weekly/daily routine. I need stability in my life, and that might do the trick until I get a job. It’s insane how much space and energy day-to-day chores and thinking takes. If I can stop thinking so much about what to cook/eat, and also stop procrastinating putting clean laundry away, my life might be easier.

I also would love to do more gaming, and maybe watch a few shows/movies every few weeks. Not much of that happened in 2023.
Anyway. Happy new year, everyone!

Half-Life 2


56.0 hours
70 of 70 achievements
Half-Life 2

Farm Keeper

34.0 hours
6 of 6 achievements
Half-Life 2

Monument Valley

2.7 hours
19 of 19 achievements


1.5 hours

Congratulations on all of your assassinations!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
If you need some help with a schedule I highly recommend joining PAGYWOSG! Every month if you beat one game, you get access to a bunch of invite-only giveaways. The leaderboard is super neat too, and the discord is always active. It’s a great community I’ve been a part of for a long while and plan to be in longer.
This December we worked together to have 666 games submitted for the event! The group picks a theme and you pick your games for the month based on that. :)


thank you!

i actually did a bunch of those events between 2019-2021 and was looking at the jan 2024 one just after posting this here! i’m aiming to play 1 game a month, no matter how short/long it is, in 2024!

the main reason i fell off gaming so much last year is that irl things have been super hard, so i haven’t had the time, the energy, or the desire to do much gaming. it didn’t help that i completely stopped checking SG or BLAEO during this time. but now i want to be back & more active :)