
October 2023

Well… I have been playing some games in October, even some spooky ones, finished some bigger titles, some mini titles and tried some boring ones that I will probably never touch again.
100 games progress - 28/100
I decided to close my thread on sg and leave it, cause I have been disapointed none of unbundled games, I gave away in last half year, have been played and decided not to waste money.

Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition

172 hours, 92 of 127 achievements
I tried poison myself by cheese to stop playing that game.

Well, I absolutely loved that game and sank into whole trilogy for whole month. Haven't expected that, cause I usually hate shooters and sci-fi games, but that game was more like alien dating simulator. It was definitely more similar to Dragon age than to Kotor (which I haven't enjoyed).
Story of these games was really well written and I even enjoyed hidden jokes like qvarian ship named Ectomy.
I definitely want to replay game again for every romance and to get every companion interaction banter.

Dead Space™ 2

12.8 hours, no achievements

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That game was a lot similar to first game and I have no problem with it. Probably the worst part was where I had to stick needle into my eye at minigame, I had to replay it like ten times, cause I have been completely unable watch it and always cover my own eyes before I reached the point of impact. Developers did great job at that part, cause I could feel Isaacs fear.

Resident Evil 0

16 hours, 28 of 47 achievements

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I have started that game a long time ago, but was forced to quit near start, cause it kept crashing.
I haven't faced such problem that time, so I could finally enjoy that game. I really liked style of first RE game, but at that one.. I don't know, the coop system made it sometimes unnecessairy complicated. Also story was confusing as hell. So there were corpses and leeches infected by T-virus? Sorry, I don't get it.

ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif

6.4 hours, no achievements

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LEAVES - The Return

2.4 hours, 16 of 16 achievements

Click to expand

Can't believe I actually paid for such game. I don't even like point and click.

Some mini games these doesn’t deserve big review type of post.

  • Color +

    0.02 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • aMAZE 3D

    1.2 hours playtime

    no achievements


Congratulations on all of your assassinations! Also on finishing Mass Effect legendary edition, woah! Sorry it looks like your other games sucked, Wishing you a better November!


I decided to close my thread on sg and leave it, cause I have been disapointed none of unbundled games, I gave away in last half year, have been played and decided not to waste money.

Ouch… I left SG yeeeears ago, sad to see that some stuff doesn’t change.