
Since my last post, I finished a few shorties:

Castle Rencounter: This game is purchase disabled, and honestly, no great loss. It’s barely a game, and can be cheesed using the game’s own rules.
Becalm: Very relaxing free game. You basically just ride a boat for 5 minutes checking out the scenery, or going with endless mode doing the same. Other than some level variance, this game is just for chilling with no real reason to play other than to take in the visuals and enjoy the tunes. That said, you still should definitely check it out. It’s neat for what it is. :)
Find-Life EP1: Very quick little adventure that sets up the framework for a longer running IP. I thought the artwork was very cool in that 70’s psychedelic way and the story was decent. Almost had a bit of a Portal vibe, although no word on whether the computer is really trying to kill you in the end.
Snail Trek - Chapter 2: A Snail Of Two Worlds: Basically Star Trek if Star Trek was an RPG Maker game with an all snail crew. Episode two. It’s fun and funny.

Still playing presently

Took a break from a few of my longer games to play towards finishing a few others. Those few others are:

Nioh: Complete Edition: Just about to wrap up the spider queen quest. I’d say I’m probably about 20-25% of the way through, 30 hours in.

The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare: This one is currently a buck, and basically a pick up and play team (mostly) shooter similar to Team Fortress 2, only everybody plays as a little plastic army man/woman. Right now, there is no wait to find servers to jump into and the community seems to simply be having a good time. Haven’t encountered any d-bags yet.

Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time: I’m about 5 hours in so far. I imagine there is probably another 15 or so to go. I’ve never seen the show, but it definitely has that Saturday Morning cartoon vibe to it. Decent story, meh combat, a lot of fetch style questing in between.


Nice progress!


Aww, I was hoping Little Witch Academia to be at least fun to play. Maybe not on par with Dragon’s Crown, Muramasa or Odin’s Sphere, but not too far off. Though everytime I see the game mentioned it doesn’t look that great :(
I’m still keeping it on my wishlist though. Waiting for it to get bundled or heavily discounted. And I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts on the game when you finish it too!

By the way, I’ve only seen the movie back when it first released and it was pretty good! There seems to be a 25 episodes show out now as well now (on Netflix) but I didn’t look at it yet.


Yeah. It’s not terrible. It’s just a bit of a slog though. I like it enough to keep on moving forward with it though.