
March Sum-Up

Remember when I said that I wanted to play some of the “trash” games last month? Well, I failed. Somehow things happened, but to cut things short, I only managed to get 1 of them done.

Half-Life 2

Elements II: Hearts of Light

57.8 hours
51 of 52 achievements

Full Review

This one is started last month, actually. It's another long RPG Maker game, and it's still in early access too. Quite bummed that one achievement is broken by the latest update though. You need to install depot downloader to get that one but I'm just too lazy to check and install those things.

Half-Life 2

Heaven's Vault

33.7 hours
44 of 44 achievements

Full Review

Played 80 days by inkle before, and I can say that the writing of their games are top notch. So many branching paths that will change your gameplay as you play. It still bores me in my second playthrough though due to the slow exploration part, but I got interested in the fictional language that they made there.

Half-Life 2

Nubarron: The adventure of an unlucky gnome

3.4 hours
no achievements

Full Review

A puzzle platformer. It's not that bad actually, but it feels weird and unpolished sometimes.

Half-Life 2

Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube

22.2 hours
17 of 17 achievements

Full Review

This one is more similar to Portal, but with cubes. It's more geared towards platformer instead of the puzzle though, and I don't like platformer games that much. Got burned out near the end due to the extreme platforming sections (don't worry it's not that hard), but it's still okay for its asking price.

Half-Life 2
Hello World DLC

Cyber Manhunt

3 hours
13 of 13 achievements

Full Review

Finished the newly-released Hello World DLC. Despite its short length, it actually connects to the main story, so if you are interested in more of that, this one is a must play.

Half-Life 2


12.4 hours
no achievements

Full Review

Yep, another RPG Maker game. I played it a bit when I stuck on Elements II: Hearts of Light last month. Didn't like it at first because enemy scales with your level. It got more bearable once I played more, but the grind is just a no no. I think I spent some hours grinding for gears before tackling the final boss, and I didn't even beat the secret boss since it was level 50 while my party was still in the early 20. It took so much time to level to that 20+, so I decided to drop the game after beating the final boss and cleaning up everything else.

Half-Life 2

Not For Broadcast

32.4 hours
63 of 63 achievements

Full Review

After playing this and Lacuna last month, I now hate games with multiple endings. Don't get me wrong - the game is great, and there are variations in the story (so you don't replay the same game from the beginning just to see something different at the end), but this is a FMV game. You need to spend like 30 minutes for one full broadcast, which was divided into 3 segments. I can't let it run in the background either (or maybe you can, but I don't want to waste more time by trying it out). I'm just too tired with games that offer no replayability options.

As for the game itself, it's great just like I said. The satire and jokes really hit. I had a blast playing it in my first playthrough.

Half-Life 2

Love is Dead

8.9 hours
35 of 36 achievements

Full Review

Played the i saw her series back on kong, and I didn't realize that this one was made by the same developer. I liked those games a lot - cleverly designed levels, short levels, things like that. This one is also the same, but with longer playtime. It's sad that some mechanics don't work in the tile-based movement tho, and one achievement is broken unless if you install an unofficial patch. Ah well. At least I'm enjoying this game so I am not that mad.

Half-Life 2

Last Word

6.0 hours
9 of 9 achievements

Full Review

Yes, it's another RPG Maker game, but it doesn't feel like an RPG Maker game at all. It has this custom battle an unique gameplay in it. I like it.

Half-Life 2

Endless Fables: The Minotaur's Curse

3.0 hours
33 of 33 achievements

Full Review

For an Artifex Mundi released in 2016, this one was bad, even worse than Time Mysteries: Inheritance - Remastered that I played sometime ago. At least Time Mysteries' HOG scenes are good, but this one is just too much. Why play a HOG game if you just have to spam click to find the interactable objects? And those achievements are just encouraging me to spam click to finish the HOG scenes faster. I hate that I had to read the minigame instruction to learn how they work either - never had that problem with other Artifex Mundi games before.

Half-Life 2


2.2 hours
12 of 12 achievements

Full Review

Got a copy from my curator with 0 followers (still wasn't sure how it even got a review copy), and the game looked good, so I tried it. It said that it will be coming to steam for free, and as a free game, it got some quality. It's a nice exploration game. It can feel a bit empty sometimes, but hey, can't ask much for a free game. The ending is such a pleasant surprise too.

ps: the review link shouldn't work now, but it should be after the game is released and I posted the review, probably sometime tonight. Posted the review!

Half-Life 2


4.7 hours
11 of 11 achievements

Full Review

Managed to finish this before the month ends. This is one of those short and unique puzzle games. I like it.

I also started up Paradise Killer since they just implemented achievements. Luckily, there is Steam cloud and my save was transferred properly, so I just need to boot it up and collect the new collectibles in the new update, plus doing a speed run - all takes less than 1 hour in total.

Well, as for this month… I got a lot of games to play: got a lot of SG wins that I haven’t touch, PoP games to play (a new cycle just start), and with me wanting to get some RPG Maker games played from time to time, I’ll be juggling on between them all, so hopefully it will all work out.

See you later.


Congratulations on your assassinations! Mmmm broken achievements, F. I looked at Heavens Vault and it looks interested but also like something I should avoid playing for now, the reviews make me hesitant. Also WOAH, Paradise Killer added in achievements? I don’t remember seeing that update!! Excited to play it now!!


thank you! i’m not lucky with achievements last month, hahah.
if you like playing exploration games, heaven’s vault is a nice one. they have a lot of beautiful-looking sceneries (including when you are traveling), but since you need to spend a long time looking at them, i got tired out of it (not a fan of open world games because of this either).

and yes, paradise killer added achievements and some new collectibles. good luck in getting them all! :)