
Hi there. New on the site but I’ve been around SG for a while and was there at the beginnings of BLAEO. There’s a good number of games on this month’s list that I have in my library. In fact, I just finished KAMI and Unium a few days before joining this site! While there’s a few other games I’ve been working on, I can’t resist a little competition ;) Of the titles on the list that are also in my library, I’ll see about starting the games I haven’t started yet and try to finish or complete to games I’ve already started. Keep attacking those backlogs everybody!


This site is a pretty nice place, isn’t it? Well, if we threw in some cat videos we would be golden.

Good luck with your backlog! Also, congratulations on the upcoming addition in your family! :)


I remember you! When BLAEO was still only a thread by revil!


Glad to see you back!


Kami and Unium are fantastic games. :)