
Weirdness in different stages

The two games I completed in the last weeks are ….. let’s say …. weird. In their own respective way each one:

  • Guacamelee! 2

    30 hours playtime

    49 of 49 achievements

  • Suits: A Business RPG

    4 hours playtime

    35 of 35 achievements

Guacamelee! 2: Well, what can you say about Guacamelee. You are playing an Agave farmer who has to save the Mexivers by dying and then transforming into a Luchador by wearing the Mask from the realm of the Death guarded by Tostada. Sounds strange and the game is just that. Strange. And a lot of fun. The story starts seven years after the first part and Juan, the Agave farmer is not in his best form anymore. But this is fast forgotten as soon black holes appear in the sky and Uay Chivo, the Goat Man tells you to travel the Darkest Timeline to repair the damage and save the Mexiverse. And soon after you are wearing the mask for the first time after seven years again.
Guacamelee is in its core a brawler. Over the course of the game you learn a lot of new special moves (like the Rooster Uppercut, the Frogslam or the Goat Fly) or other mechanics (like switching between the world of the living and the dead or transforming and fighting as a chicken). New Enemies are introduced regularly and you have to use your whole equipment of moves to take them down. Beside the brawling part the game has a HEAVY emphasis on platforming. If you are not good with platformers you should probably skip the game because you won’t have fun with it. Platforming is interestingly done by the same as the combat - the special moves. A lot of “bonus” stuff like more health and stamina and in side rooms where you have to solve those platforming puzzles by chaining special moves. First you have to understand which moves to use and then you have to execute them which is often easier said than done. And this doesn’t even include the platforming for the key parts.
But if you like brawling and you are good with platforming I can really recommand the game. You get a well executed game with fluid movement, a silly story, a good soundtrack, a lot of challenges and a drop-in and -out local coop mode which is always a plus and the reason I bought the game (and also because I played most of Drinkbox’s games and like them, nice developers).
Achievements are based on getting 100 % in all areas which includes a lot of shouting as the challenges and platforming parts are really tought until you understand the best course of action. Also you need the DLC’s to get all achievements.

Suits: A Business RPG: Suits is …. um …. different what you can easily see on the Store page and the presented screenshots. Going into the game though you will soon find out that it is more or less a RPGmaker game. Just that all assets are handdrawn and the story and characters are very weird. I’m not sure if the goal was an underlying message or it was just a chaining of silly ideas concerning the main theme of capitalism. Hard to tell. Game begins with you in buisness school and all other pupils. Surprisingly you are the only one with an adult body and even more surprisingly you finish as the best of class (because everyone else gets burned to ash). And after this you start fighting your way through the six different sectors of the game getting closer and closer to the CEO.
Like I said in the beginning, there is probably some message underline because you get messages concerning the different cycles all the time but you should play the game for its weirdness alone. Achievements are mostly on the easy side but can be missed easily as the mostly concern side quests. I missed four achievements in my playthrough. But since I changed save slot regularly I just had to pick the correct one and could get the remaing ones in less than 30 minutes.

For now I will complete Heroes of Hammerwatch which will still take some time. And then, my favourite game will start again. What to play next? Maybe reducing the shadow backlog. Or getting back to some older games. Always wanted to complete Toki Tori 2 for example. Another weird game Party Hard 2 (about a man killing all people on a party because he felt annoyed) has to wait until i get back to my locak coop partner :P


Guacamelee 2 already has dlcs? I swear I remember it being released only a couple months ago. :O


Yea, I think they came out pretty early after the game. They also don’t have that much content to begin with. One is three skins for the characters in form of the main bosses and the other one is the challenge arena similar to hell in Guacamelee 1. Second one actually gives something to do. But you won’t miss out anything if you don’t buy them. Other than achievements I mean ….


You always seems to discover rare/weird gems. Also your post reminds me I always wanted to give another try to guacamelee (the first one). Party Hard 2 has co-op?


Wouldn’t say Suits is a gem. Definetely weird and interesting, but it lives more from it weirdness. Unless you meant Guacamelee! 2 which should be well known I think. I think both games are quite good although the first one doesnt have Illuminati chicken. But if you havent played the one Drinkbox I would recommand (and actually lesser known) is Mutant Blobs Attack. Never has it been more fun to annihilate evil mankind.

As for Party Hard 2: Store Page says it has local co-op (and maybe online too, would have to check). But since I bought it specifically for local co-op with my friend i only see every three to six months I can’t say anything about the extent of the co-op function. It read like story mode but not sure.


Yeah i was talking about Suits. Maybe gem is not the correct word but like hidden interesting/weird stuff is what I meant.

I’ll probably get Guacamelee 2 if I like the first one. I’m also gonna follow your recommendation, Mutant blob attack is already in my backlog and I never got around to play it all the way throught (I had started it before my huge hdd crash, but then i had other things to play and never got around to reinstall it).

I’ll keep an eye out for your report about Party Hard 2 when you get around to play it then, the first one was really fun.


For all Drinkbox Games you should bring some fun for platforming with you. Otherwise you might have a hard time. I will keep an eye out for your MBA review ^^ I think it was a short game only taking some hours. Nonetheless fun.

As for Party Hard 2: I’ll definetely play it but I assume it will be Octobre until I get back to my home region.