
It’s the 5th report, and that means indie and half-baked games are a total no-no.

Report 5: Big boys’ time I: Drill me daddy

    BioShock Remastered

    BioShock Remastered

    23 hours playtime

    Man, what a blast. I actually beat it for the first time. Thank god I chose the hardest difficulty and turned off the vita-chambers, I believe that’s the way this game supposed to be played. It’s not actually THAT hard, if you’re resourceful enough and explore the shit outta levels, and the whole ressurection mechanic felt pointless. I beat the game without using 90% of active plasmids and just sticking to the first one I’ve got (as I tend to do often in games).
    Got the plot spoiled long ago, which sucks. It’s always like that - either you get spoiled early on, because everyone is playing it and discussing it, or you get spoiled late, since the internet assumes the game was out long enough for everyone interested to play it and doesn’t hold back with the spoilers. Which sucks.
    The atmosphere and design are really awesome, although the novelty of it wore off pretty quickly. Thankfully, the gameplay and the exploration was still engaging enough to keep me going. It’s also not as horror-ish as I thought it would be.
    I have a love-hate relationship with audiologs, and I think I kinda hate them here. Not only their very existence seems pretty far-fetched most of the time (why would you record this stuff? sometimes it sounds a bit too weird even for an audio-diary), considering the game’s nature of putting you in danger most of the time, you rarely find logs in a relatively safe spaces - there can always be some enemy lurking nearby, just waiting to attack if you make just one extra step their way, so most of the time I was really distracted by looking out for something that wants to kill me, rather than having my attention focused on the log’s content. For that reason, I barely followed all the lore and the side stuff, and I don’t like that at all.
    Thankfully, the game didn’t crash a single time as it did with what seems like almost everyone, according to forums. FYI, as far as I know, whatever you do, don’t rebind the controls and you’re golden.
    Now I’m having fun with the challenge rooms.


Yeah spoilers suck even if its been out for a long time. I’m more okay if its pretty much at the start of the game but the twist at endings or even in between is a bit sad to find out. It’s like the screenshots I took for my results in telltale games, the spoiler only lasts a month so as soon as it ends anyone for some reason checking my pictures can easily be spoiled about the choices coming up but I also don’t want to delete them since I’m interested in what my results were


The only saving grace here is that market nowadays is somewhat oversaturated with story-rich games, so you have less chances of stumbling upon the spoilers of the games you’re interested in, and “spoiling that one twist”, like with Cowboy Bepop or whatever, isn’t much of a meme anymore.
But still, I buy games I love like Danganronpa on Day 1 and play them as soon as possible just to be safe, lol