
Progress Report #5: May 2023

May was another simple month. I decided to start playing Persona 5 Royal while I was sick with COVID, so that took over my life for a few weeks. P5R is AMAZING. I didn't expect to have so much fun with it! Things are getting busy this month as I prepare to move to a new state and start a new job, so I hope I'll find time to finish it in between all the hectic nonsense.

I also picked Cozy Grove back up at the end of the May because I wanted to check out the Spring Festival. (It was a month long and I nearly missed it!) So now I'm back in a daily groove with that, and still loving it. I bought the DLC during the Steam Spring sale and I'm looking forward to meeting the new bears once I finish the main story. And then there's the Summer Festival in July! (I won't miss it this time.)

There are a couple games still lingering in the background that I really want to finish up, but... I can only play some many games at once lmao. Meteor World Actor and Ashina: The Red Witch. I see you there! I haven't forgotten! Plus, I need to resume Higurashi Chapter 2 at some point.

Finally, the Tears of the Kingdom hype caught up to me and I made the questionable decision to purchase an OLED Switch. I haven't actually bought TOTK yet, but I did start two other games: Bustafellows (visual novel, my first otome!) and Jenny LeClue - Detectivu (a cute murder mystery adventure that gives strong Beacon Pines vibes in aesthetic and setting). I'm really enjoying both and will talk more about them in my June post.

That's all for May! Have fun!

Played on Xbox

  • Persona 5 Royal

    78 hours playtime

    27 of 52 achievements

  • Played on Steam

  • Cozy Grove

    85.2 hours playtime

    55 of 70 achievements

  • Played on Switch (OLED :D)


      ? hours playtime

      3 of 60 achievements

    • Jenny LeClue

      ? hours playtime

      59% complete


Definitely nothing questionable in picking up an OLED (wink wink)! I am so excited that you are on board the P5R hype train and enjoying it (I still need to play the enhanced version.. someday… I’m sure..).
And wow, you’ve got 85 hours in Cozy Grove?! I know you love the game and I do too, but didn’t expect that number. O.O


Yeah, up to about 50 hours I was getting approx. 1 achievement per hour in Cozy Grove (not that that really means anything, just a funny coincidence haha). But in the last week or so my playtime really shot up even without getting more achievements. Turns out you can spend a looot of time digging up dirt piles and catching bugs lmao

P5R/Ryuji hype train yeahhhhh!!


Bustafellows (visual novel, my first otome!)

Welcome to the world of otome! Ohohoho… :>


Haha, thank you! I’m having great fun with Bustafellows so far, and my otome-loving friend has already convinced me to get Cupid Parasite as well XD


“Are we sure I’m not the otome friend?”, I’d say if I had played Cupid Parasite already (lol). But do be sure to go back and play the classics - Amnesia and Hakuouki!


Hahaha! You can be my other otome friend! She actually also suggested Amnesia to me and I put it on my Steam wishlist to hopefully grab in the summer sale. And speak of the devil, I literally just bought Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds on Humble yesterday since it was on sale for $4 XD


You can be my other otome friend!

I’d be honored! uwu

I literally just bought Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds on Humble yesterday since it was on sale for $4 XD

Aww, yeah! All hail the sales \o/


Turns out Amnesia was on sale on HB for the same amount! So I got that one too :D


Yaaasss! I was gonna say “Idea Factory discounts Amnesia and Hakuoki somewhat often”, but then again, I don’t know if they have any say in HB discounts. What’s important is, you got all three :D


I finished my first LI route in Bustafellows! I’m officially initiated! lol


pops a party popper Congratulations! claps


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