
July 2023

Assassin's Creed® Odyssey

112.3 hours, 90 of 93 achievements
Help, misthios!

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If that game was shorter, it would most likely be better. On the other hand I enjoyed game over that time, played even all dlc and tried a holiday quest. Friend told me when I started play: AC Odyssey is beautiful game until you have to play it. I don't get it, yeah, game visuals are nice, but gameplay or story haven't been THAT bad. Only one thing really pissed me on Odyssey - everyone has a shield, only I am forbidden to become hoplit, only I get is half spear after grandma and telescopic spears I randomly find/loot.

The Technomancer

35.2 hours, 33 of 40 achievements
Typical Spiders - you love it or you hate it.

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For some reason it took me a long time to decide continue that game and have to say, I liked it. It had some problems and cheap story plot, but still I got decent rpg experience. I messed up some quests by a lot, but since that game require you choosing sides, it is invictable. You can't expect much from 10€ game.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

23.8 hours, 51 of 59 achievements
More music, pls?

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I was really excited to play that game, literally went wet when game at menu started play Twisted sister We ain't gonna take it, but that feel fallen off so fast. Game has some epic moments when it plays you famous songs from Rick Astley or Wham at fights, but only after team haul, which was mechanics I haven't reached that often, cause I chosen to play on easy difficulty. Story wasn't that interesting, ironically, what I enjoyed the most about game were banters between guardians. In game you play as a Peter and since you are captain, you give orders to others to progress around world. So you order Rocket to hack a console, but what player doesn't expect is Rocket may refuse and will argue with you, so you have to beg him more times, which fits to his character. Also your heroes through game learn to cooperate, so you don't have to keep giving them these orders like hack this, break this, cut this all the time.
What I really haven't liked was a game lenght. It was really short, main story is like 20h and has no replaybility unless you essentially need to grab all collectibles and ugly skins.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood

8 hours, 37 of 43 achievements
One little wolf sniffed too much plants

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Well, I definitely DO NOT recommend to buy that game, if you want to play it, wait for humble choice or EGS freebie. I should really thanks to EGS for exclusivity on that title, cause otherwise I would buy it full price on release. That game has literally nothing to offer except few hours of main story. Sidequests I saw three over my playing and two of them were "find collectibles". Talking of collectibles, that was something terrible I refused do as you can see them only in lupus vision, which is insane to use that often, cause I already had to use it to collect exp (which you gets by inhaling gas coming from plants or trunks).
Serious problem of game were bugs, mostly visuals when you was able go inside textures or npcs, which wasn't such problem. But then your special skills buttons stop work in the middle of fight.. and trust me, that is serious problem. Definitely not a game I will ever replay, game offers two endings, which you choose like 5 mins before end (save friend x chase main villain). Oh yeah… and you can't save at game to just check ends.

Batman: Arkham Knight

35.7 hours, 50 of 113 achievements
I am the night.

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I have been stucked in that game that long that I forgot what it was about, just finished some extremely stupid bossfight with batmobile and finished all dlcs except catwoman one. Batgirl has flat ass, not recommended.

Styx: Master of Shadows

11.7 hours, 29 of 33 achievements
Death over replay.

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Game was really easy.. till 6th chapter where appeared elvens which can smell you everywhere and instakill me on sight. Was a rough end. Story was a bit confusing, but I really liked it and haven't been in need to start skipping it as I am usually last years when game doesn't catch me. Definitely not going for 100%.

Games bought:

  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister
  • Zelrune

    Congratulations on all of your assassinations! Almost got 100% for Odyssey, GL!