
Report #47

I finished a few games pretty fast after the last report. Well, I too have more time to play games at the moment. And it seems it’ll continue this way for some more weeks. One of the games I finished was for the monthly theme, the Runaway series just because I was looking for a few smaller games to play. Let’s get to the reviews:


Age of Empires III

36.0 hours, no achievements

Age of Empires III is a RTS game and the third part of the AoE series. It is set in the New World, spanning from the Spanish Conquistadores to the Wild West. This is the Complete Collection, which means it also includes the two expansions.

The basic concept is like any AoE game, but AoE III adds a new mechanic where you can get support from your home country. At the beginning of the game you can choose a number of "cards" which have specific effects once activated: Get you X amount of ressources or Y amount of a certain unit. Over the course of a game you gather experience with which you can unlock said cards and therefore receive bonuses. It adds another layer to the game, albeit a very simple one.

It has some nice graphics and a few interesting units, but I wasn't too satisfied with the game. The maps feel much smaller than in the previous AoEs, which is weird, since this is the newest game of the series. The ressource gathering has been simplified and there are less things to build overall. The whole game feels a bit more simple and juvenile than the other games of the series. This feeling may partly be increased because I played Company of Heroes right before, which is very mature and realistic in comparison.

The expansions are worthwhile though, they add more gameplay features for the new factions they introduce. Also they take away the focus from the European perspective and shift it to the Indian and Asian one. There is one strange thing though: In the Asian campaign you play as a Chinese and later as a Indian hero. However, in artwork of the loading screens, both look totally western. It's just weird, couldn't they make them look a bit more authentic?

Do I recommend the game? Not so much. The game is much worse than the first and second Age of Empires. So if you're going into the game expecting another one of these, you'll probably be disappointed.

Runaway: A Road Adventure

6.6 hours, no achievements

Runaway is a P'n'c Adventure from the spanish Pendulo Studios. It is the start of a whole trilogy and released in 2001. It features a dorky protagonist who gets involved with a hot dancer (as if that would ever happen…) and helps her escape the mafia.

The game has a beautiful intro and an interesting initial approach to telling its story. The beginning of the game had me pretty hyped, alas this hype died down pretty quickly. The visual representation is nice and it feels like people were really passionate about it. The problems arise in other departments, mainly the game design: The puzzles involve a lot of pixel hunting and some are awfully repetitive and monotonous. I'll illustrate this with an example: At one point of the game you need to fill a boiler with water. The boiler is at point A, the water at point B. It takes forever to get from A to B and vice versa, which is the first annoyance. The container you transport water in is rather small. So it's not enough to make the trip once, but 5 times. Which takes at least 15 minutes. And to make matters worse, you get no feedback when filling the water into the boiler. So without a guide, you would probably stop after it didn't have the desired effect after the first time. Who would continue on doing something 5 times without even a hint whether it's successful? That's just awful design.

On top of that, the game only runs in 1024x768. In principle that's fine for a game from 2001. But the game stretched everything to fill my widescreen monitor and I couldn't get it to start in windowed mode. Therefore I ended up playing the game distorted.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend the game. It has nice elements and I suspect that at least some of the people working on it were really trying their best, but the bad game design sadly outweighs the positive.

Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle

8.8 hours, no achievements

Pendulo's second part of the Runaway trilogy is unfortunately worse. The main character Brian has (d)evolved into a formidable douchebag and all the women seem to wear even skimpier outfits than previously. All the design problems of the first part are amplified in the second game. And the story is even quirkier, but not in a good way.

Recommendation? I cite wikipedia: "In retrospect, Pendulo's Josué Monchan called Runaway 2 'a horrible game' and 'the biggest shit we've ever made'"

Runaway: A Twist of Fate

3.8 hours, no achievements

It seems that Pendulo learned from their mistakes. The final part of the Runaway trilogy has an integrated help system, highlights interactable objects in the game and its puzzles are way better designed. Personally I also found the story to be more compelling. Unfortunately the voice actors for the two main characters changed though. And there is almost no continuity to the second game.

As a standalone game A Twist of Fate may be enjoyable, but the series was already ruined for me. I admit I skipped a lot of dialogue, hence the short playtime.

Currently playing

I think I’ll wait for the next monthly theme and play some Factorio in the meantime.

If you read my last report, you know that I was graced with a few great games. This time all of the games turned out to be disappointing. But that’s okay, because to be honest I was already expecting that. And overall there are still some things to take away from Runaway: The games are from 2001, 2006 and 2009, and I think they nicely show how the adventure genre evolved. While the first part feels very (end of the) 90s to me, the last part is what I would call a 21st century P’n’C adventure.

And, even more important: With finishing those games as of now my ‘completed’ category is finally the biggest category of my backlog! That’s a huge step and therefore I’m glad I played those games :)

Stay save and happy backlog-clearing to everyone,

Charles Nonsens

Nice going. Judging from your last few updates, it looks like we have (had) some similarities to our backlogs - the difference being that you manage to strike those games off your list! Company of Heroes is one that I have been meaning to play since I added it six years or so ago, and your review bumped it up a few spots for me. Got Runaway mainly because I like Pendulo’s graphic style, but I don’t know if I have the patience for the puzzle design you describe. It sounds dated indeed… Cheers


Company of Heroes is a good game and it’s not too long either. If you play it on Easy I guess it can be done even quicker.

Yes, the artwork on Runaway 1 and 3 is really gorgeous. 2 is a bit worse, but still nice. The graphics are definitely the highlight of the games, at least for me. And they best illustrate the wheel of time going forwards. I also played Yesterday from Pendulo studios, and enjoyed it much better than the Runaway games. I see you own its sequel Yesterday Origins, which I haven’t played myself but looks really good as well.


I have played first Runaway very long time ago and I have liked it so much. The art, the humor. Truth is that maybe today I wouldn’t be so eager about it.
I am trying to win the remaining games on SG when they show up, not sure about it anymore. XD


Well, I’m not a huge fan of Point and Click adventures. I wouldn’t be surprised if others came to a different conclusion. And the art and humor are definitely noteworthy, no doubt about that!

About winning them on SG: Hard to say…I think the third game is actually not that bad, I was just … exhausted from the second part.