
1: March 2024


146/146 (100%), 6.5 hours

Honestly speaking a great game for any adult game enjoyer. It's a well made game with solid gameplay, good looking scenes and fun animations. The game doesn't take itself too seriously, as it tries to be a hentai parody version of Resident Evil series, and it very much succeeds at it.

The base game of LEWDAPOCALYPSE contains a wide array of different scenes to unlock, three different endings for the game and a new game + mode, that will make your journey through playing the game on higher difficulties more enjoyable. Speaking of the different difficulties, the difficulty ramps up quite a lot in my opinion when you switch from normal to hard and then to Hardcore. If you are looking for a casual hentai game to fap to, then don't go harder than normal, you won't have any time to do anything except try to shoot zombies and other monstrosities.

In the end it's definitely a solid game to play and you can even actually enjoy it without looking at boobs and other parts with the censoring mode, if you so wish to. Highly recommended since it is only 1€ at it's highest price.


100/100 (100%), 0.1 hours

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Cute game filled with 100 hidden cats! The artwork is simple yet very cute. Finding the cats were very easy though, and I would have wished for a little bit more of a difficulty, or more levels to balance out the game being so easy to complete.

Definitely a great free addition to the hidden cats assemble of games, but I hope they add updates in the future for the game to have more content! If you want to support the developer, they also have a DLC level that you can get for under 1€. It adds another 100 cats, but doesn't add any new achievements, so it's not a must if you just want to 100% the game.

I will definitely recommend it, since it's a free game with cute cats, but don't expect a huge amount of gameplay in this one!


11/11 (100%), 1.0 hours

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

It's not really a game at all, you just open the game, wait for an hour while some lady screams at you to press the button in the background and in the end the button turns grey and you get a password to the dev's private reddit forum. That's it.

Easy for achievements I guess, but it was an hour of my life wasted by doing nothing pretty much lol. Not worth it.


8/8 (100%), 3.5 hours

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Are ya ready to turn your groove on and light up the dance floor with Sippy the Unicorn!? Sippy Disco is a casual puzzle game where you must light up the dance floor with Sippy without stepping on the same square more than once! Though since this is a more casual experience, you are not forced to step on squares only once, that is only required if you wish to get a 100% scoring on a level.

Sippy partners up with their friend Parrots, who you can see are grooving on the dance floor with some funky skates on! The difficulty of the puzzles gets higher as you need to control Sippy, but also the Parrots simultaneously. It's still not too hard and is a very family friendly game, where even younger members of the family could enjoy the game!

The artstyle is unique and lovely, it has a "drawn by a child" feeling, but in a good way. There is different decorations you can get for Sippy The Unicorn and as well as different colors. The black background of the game also highlights the colorful dance floor quite nicely.

My only gripe with the game is that there isn't really a good instructions on how the game works, there is some dialogue on what to do in the first levels, but as you go further it gets more difficult and often has some issues. There also was no way of knowing how to collect the cookies, I had to ask another gamer about it, because I had no idea how to get them, as I was seemingly getting them just randomly. I also believe that it would be great if there was a hint option added for the game, as it would help the game be more family friendly for sure!

Other than that, the game was very fun to play and lovely experience. I do hope the devs will keep improving this lovely game and others will be interested in playing through it! Great game, highly recommended!


no achievements, 1.2 hours

An interesting school project game that keeps you busy for about an hour of your time, give or take. Machine Heart tells a story about robots, human consciousness and gives you the choice of deciding the fate of humanity.

The art in this game was really pretty and the design was great. I was kinda laughing at the animations as they were a little bit wonky, but they weren't too bad! The voice acting was lovely and the story was interesting as well.

I had a little bit of troubles with some bugs that were almost game breaking, but I reinstalled the game and continued from my save to thankfully get past it. You shud still be aware that there can be bugs in this game and some might cause you to have to start the game over, reinstall the game or load a save.

Taking all of that into consideration, I really think it's a great free game and definitely worth checking out!

C A T & O N I O N

5/5 (100%), 1.8 hours

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Absolutely amazing little game where you play as an orange talking Cat who has to go on a quest to find ingredients for pancakes, that the Cat will make with their friend the Squirrel! There is twists and turns in the story and it's a lovely little thing, around an hour long (for me atleast). Achievements are related to finding all the secret cat portraits in the game, so it was rather simple to 100%.

The game has a lovely pixel artstyle with a matching color palette through-out the game. The animations for everything is so simple, but oh so lovely to look at! There is even a ledge climbing animation, which had me squealing because it was so cute. You can also use butter to make the Cat slick so you can go through smaller holes. It's so adorable and silly in all the right ways.

You get to fly in an onion to space, which goes out to a different space entirely, but it's a much bigger space, but to get out of that space you go up and then under the space, to find a talking acorn who sucks you inside it's head space, and then you find yourself back in your own space, and eventually you fly to actual space. Try to wrap your head around that! or don't, and just play the game.

The soundtrack was so lovely and relaxing as well, I loved to listen to it and just jump around as the cat. Definitely going to find that on my music streaming service and add to my playlist of soundtracks I love. Perfection!

It's definitely a recommended from me, it's super cheap, super fun and extremely cute! Get it now!


2/2 (100%), 0.4 hours

It's a pretty average walking simulator. It has pretty looking graphics and a fitting, chill soundtrack, but that's it. There is no story, nothing exciting in the map and the environment is pretty repetitive. You have a few Hike Goals that you need to find, but they were pretty easy to find as long as you had a method to your walking around the map.

As this was winter themed and one of my favorite winter themed walking simulators is Chionophile, I wanted to compare the two a little bit. Both have nothing special in them, no story or anything, but somehow Chionophile makes the atmosphere more realistic and enjoyable. I feel like if Winter Valley Hike would have had the crunch of the snow under the character's feet, or the occasional animal here and there, it would have had a better score from me.

That being said, it's not really worth it to buy, unless you get it for free, then by all means play it. It's quite short.

March 2024 -  25 New games, 7 Completed
Arbiter Libera

At first I didn’t know what was going on with the post layout, but then I did and liked it.


im glad it made sense eventually :DD and thank you <3


I agree, great layout! It makes it easier and more satisfying to read the reviews