
June 2022 Update

Next update (works only on profile page)

Overall backlog progress :

26% completed
60% beaten
1% unfinished
1% never played
12% won't play

Side note

Woooo. GPU prices are finally down. Thankfully my 2.5 year GPU is still strong but I will no longer sweat it may break and I’d need to pay horrendous money for replacement. Wonder if crypto will crash any more, miners are already selling their piles of “rarely used” cards on the market.

NFTs already crash. Developers threw themselves on this junk, smelling easy cash as lootboxes have more and more scrutiny. And it ended before it started. People invested millions in something that doesn’t have any value, and can be stolen with a phishing link. I like how Seth Green lost his NFTs and then threatened new owner with legal action. Like if idea of non-government asset or coin is good but the moment it’s “stolen” you run to police so they recover it. Problem is NFTs are shown as new IT miracle, and no one really explains what they are. Not many would invest in them if they would be explained they don’t own image or whatever is connected to token. That all they invest in is digital receipt that says they bought it.

I also hope all this metaverse junk will die as well, especially served by facebook & co. Can’t wait for new scandal where movement data from VR was used by meta to propose people new diets or exercise equipment via in-built ads. And idea of having metaverse as 2nd life is bizzare. Nothing like going home after 10h of work to go to another work to pretend on the internet you’re someone else.

I used icons from this page, to show gaming platform in my post:


Nice reviews! I have Tyranny on my list of games to play so the review helps!


Ye, Tyranny has nice story but mechanics seem quite crude.

I play Planescape Torment now and I thought I will dislike it for how old it is. But it is actually all right. Only 4h into it for now.
I played so many games that disappointed me recently it’s nice change of pace :D