
February 2021

This month was better for me, depression wise. I won Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom and honestly that cheered me up quite a bit. This will probably sound stupid but it was sort of a reminder that the world doesn’t all suck.

Completed SteamGifts Wins

Half-Life 2

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

3.7 hours
12 of 12 achievements

Very beautiful game.

Completed Games

Half-Life 2

Viking Brothers 3

6.7 hours
44 of 44 achievements

These games are all the same, but I enjoy playing them while listening to audiobooks or podcasts.

Half-Life 2

Kyle is Famous

4.2 hours
61 of 61 achievements

This is actually a free to play game on Steam. I purchased the DLCs during the winter sale and just finished them this month. It's a kooky text based humorous game.

SteamGifts Wins

Overall a good month for me. For March I hope to finish Ni No Kuni II and hopefully a couple more games.


I get that. Take the small, happy pieces where ever you can get them <3


Yeah. :) I know it’s just a video game but it really did cheer me up and improve my outlook for now. I’m trying to take more notice of the small happy things.


Same here. It’s not always easy but I helps of one can actually find something nice per day :3


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